The Student Room Group

i'm pretty happy, yet a tad confused..


i quite like someone atm, but it wasn't till last night where it occured to me that he may like me too.

to cut the story short i was trying to convince him to do something, and he said to me.. "you probably have your selfish reasons". i was like, "wtf selfish? ME?" and yeah.. then he said something or the other, and i called him bigheaded, and he goes "me? bigheaded? don't deny it, i like you and you like me, its the truth".

he either meant, i like you (friend) or i like you ( +++++friend).

what does it seem like?
Reply 1
It seems like you've both misinterpreted each other. Him being the first offender. I'd talk to him again to clarify it!
Reply 2
It seems like you've both misinterpreted each other. Him being the first offender. I'd talk to him again to clarify it!

you're talking to a very lazy person here who just about bothered to post this thread.

i didn't want to go into the conversation too much.

me:.. stay on for just the next year, its hardly a year left till we leave.
him: i realise you may want me to stay on for my benefit or for your own selfish reasons..
me: me? selfish? you what?
him: i don't mean it like that, i mean like.. me being there for your entertainment.
me: how bigheaded are you?
him: i'm not being bigheaded, don't deny it.. i like you and you like me, its the truth.
me: truth.. what is the truth?

*change of topic*
Reply 3
Guys are ****** they just can never be honest GRRR!

Confront him again and ask him what he's on about.
Reply 4
Well, he just said 'the truth' by saying that you like him and he likes you. It seems just like an impatient row. I don't think you can read too much into it.
Reply 5
nah, didn't think so.
thanks anyhoo.
Reply 6
Poison Ivy
Guys are ****** they just can never be honest GRRR!

Confront him again and ask him what he's on about.

i would, but as before, im just a lazy student.