Keele became a state in the 1980s. Keele students sent of a letter of state recognition to every nation in the world, it got one response, from Cuba. This one response meant that Keele University became its own seperate state away from the UK, literally within the borders of Keele Uni was a completely seperate you needed passports which rocketboy mentioned.
This lasted all of 3 days until HM Army invaded Keele University and conquered the state to get it back into the UK. Apparently there were APCs rolling up and down the union road (going past the library!)
Priceless, we should do something like that again!
The library is rolling down hill, thats why there is all that building work going on in there atm!!
Plus the reputation that Keele has of being one of the most militant universities for protesting wasn't achieved by sitting down...oh wait a second!! lol!