The Student Room Group


ok guys

i've been seeing a guy for like 3 weeks now

things are great an i really like him! we see each other 3/4 times a week, we've been out on dates together, gone out with each others mates on nights out, had a night in together and gone pretty far physically... I wouldnt go a blow it and start seeing some other guy and i dont think he'd go off with some other girl either.

BUT my question, how do things progress from 'seeing' each other to being official like boyfriend girlfriend thing!!?

it seems so childish., but i cant just assume he's my boyfriend, but i'd like to be in a commited relationship with him.

obviously it has to be talked about, yes? to avoid confusion.

whats a non scary way of saying this to a guy? I dont wanna come across as too full on, i dont want marriage! Just confirmation sort of...

Reply 1
When you get to a month, give him a card that refers to him being a boyfriend? But normally the doubt is gone from the start: did he actually ask you out, like 'do you want to go out with me'?
Reply 2
no no, we just met through mutual mates and i just asked him if he wanted to go for a drink later that week.. and he did... and now here we are!!
Then invite him out somewhere more romantic. Gradually. And it'll be fairly obvious. Otherwise, talk - if you want a relationship with this guy you have to know how to open your mouth and speak. :smile:
Reply 4
I was in a similar situation with before my gf and i were "official" as it were. She asked me about our status over msn. Class. Ah well, 10 months later and still going strong. Sounds like you 2 are pretty mush couple anyway, just casually drop it in 2 a convo, no big deal!
Reply 5
i say video or hot air balloon, but no likes my ideas.

best way is to sit down with him and talk to him, not while watching tv, maybe go for a picnic or soemthing.

Or you could just start referring to him as your boyfriend when you're out wiht people, but this could be a shick if he doesnt regard you in this way yet lol

i doubt it though.
I just asked him when were we gonna make it official :|
Reply 7

guess i have to pluck up the courage to ask him then!

no idea how to go about it

and if he says no i'll cry!!
Reply 8
you'll cry for about 2 hours then you'll get over it and make some toast eat and go to bed, then tomorrow everything will be ok again

At least you will have had the oppurtunity to ask, some people never get that... *cry cry*
Reply 10
When you get to a month, give him a card that refers to him being a boyfriend?

LOL, don't do this whatever you do.

Also don't just assume it's exclusive already, just say something to him.
Reply 11
Just ask him politely, and if he still seems unsure...make sure he's fully aware of the is a gun sticking in 2 his back:smile:
Reply 12
I suggest just coming out and asking him if he considers you his girlfriend. Dont get embarassed, just say that you've been going out for 3 weeks now and you want to know if its a serious relationship or not.

If he does, then fine, let the soppy cards and romantic dinners commence...
If he doesn't, i'd say a rethink on your part about whether you'd like to attempt a real relationship with someone else, or stay in the rut.