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Reply 1
Im a guy and i dont like it lol never got why people like that either :smile:
Reply 2

Maybe he's a cannibal?
Reply 3
Maybe your earlobes taste like chicken?

Maybe its like the eminem song where shady tells the guy to nibble on this little chickens earlobe and then dre says "yo man this girls only 15 years old"

its a trciky situation, im not all too sure

maybe you should get him some chicken..
Reply 4
lol i dont know I think i read somewhere its a turn on..just wanted to see if it was bf seems to love it and i dont mind doint it but just always wondered why.
****, I don't know, why do girls like shoes so much? :confused:
Reply 6
Girls like it too :wink:
Reply 7
Heres a mad snippet of information here thats actually relevant

the ears are errogenous zones??? apparently..or so it says in my 2001 fhm my first sex guide.. ahem

So maybe he read that and thoguht that chewing on your skin would turn you on
its like kissing on the neck....

mmmm :smile:
Reply 9
Girls like it too :wink:

Is that the giving or receiving of this muching little act of passion?
Reply 10
Must feel nice having your ear chewed, duno why just seems like it would

Would'nt really liek to chew someones crusty earlobe personally, but hey whatever floats your boat
Reply 11
Must feel nice having your ear chewed, duno why just seems like it would

I don't think Evander Holyfield would agree
Reply 12
Must feel nice having your ear chewed, duno why just seems like it would

Would'nt really liek to chew someones crusty earlobe personally, but hey whatever floats your boat

I dunno bout yours but my earlobes aren't crusty.:confused:
Reply 13
Is that the giving or receiving of this muching little act of passion?

Both. I like receiving lots though.
Reply 14
probably not to you, but to someone else its a world of crusty crusty stuff

My friend once said he didnt have crusty earlobes and wiped his ear on his black shirt. try it some time

- yes i tell the best stories, i really do.. :p:
Reply 15
probably not to you, but to someone else its a world of crusty crusty stuff

My friend once said he didnt have crusty earlobes and wiped his ear on his black shirt. try it some time

- yes i tell the best stories, i really do.. :p:

Umm... no.

There's nothing on my earlobes apart from soft soft skin :biggrin:
Reply 16
well of course i'd have to verify that, can't take your word for it..
Reply 17
don't think ze boyfriend would be too happy bout that. ^o)
Reply 18
nope im not much of a fighter, probably not the best idea. Ill take your word for it:rolleyes:
It's like the best thing ever, it's one of my favourite feelings in the world! Dunno why, it just is.