The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Tea tree oil. And get out in the sun (if you have any!)

Dont pick as it will scar.
Reply 2
take one ibuprofen if its red and inflamed it will amke it go down LOTS!!! =)
Reply 3
i use t-zones spot treatment stuff, its a liquid, not a cream...zaps the spots for me anyway.
Reply 4
Depends how quickly you want to get rid of them, but Clearasil face wash actually does the job it says it'll do and clears up those nasties in 3 days.
Reply 5
Depends how quickly you want to get rid of them, but Clearasil face wash actually does the job it says it'll do and clears up those nasties in 3 days.

i think you will find that they will go away if you leave them within 3 days without the aid of clearasil..
Reply 6
Use nose strips, usually found in the skincare range in most chemist departments.
General acne advice

On body: Glycolic acid 7% lotion & benzoyl peroxide 2.5% lotion

On face: benzoyl peroxide 2.5% lotion & moisturiser

Remember to exfoliate lightly beforehand
Reply 8
i find benzoyl peroxide dries my skin out a lot though, giving it a cracked appearance. :frown:
Reply 9
toothpaste is the way to go
Dont know about the short term, but for the long term i heard that lush do some ace cleansers that keep spots away!
Tea tree oil. And get out in the sun (if you have any!)

Dont pick as it will scar.

yeah think tea tree oil is a good idea.
Reply 12
The tube of clearasil ultra does the job really well i found!:smile:
This is really great for shrinking it and reducing redness overnight :smile:
Reply 14
I've had to remove a few posts from this thread, please if you have not got anything contructive to say don't bother :p:. That is not aimed at people who have made comments which are still here :smile: Just people who are wondering where their post has gone.