Most women in Britain have rather privileged lifestyles compared to women elsewhere. However, elements of patriarchy still exist in our society. Whereas in other parts of the world, patriarchy physically oppresses women (i.e. women not being allowed to do certain things), in Britain patriarchy manifests itself psychologically. There's the obvious argument for things like beauty ideals. Young girls are bombarded with the notion that to be beautiful is to have it all. The West emphasizes and then capitalizes on the notion of of female beauty. Women spend ridiculous amounts of money on fake tans, sunbeds, fake eyelashes, eye curlers, makeup, cosmetic surgery, waxing, shaving, epilation, laser treatments, electrolysis etc. Even our hair has to be curled, straightened, blow-dryed, de-frizzed, conditioned, dyed etc Some girls will go out of their way to 'look good', thinking that their natural appearance is just not good enough. I know girls that don't want to be seen in public without their makeup on.
With this in mind, I think that it's important to acknowledge that men are also subjected to certain social pressures. There seems to be an unhealthy obsession with having the 'perfect' physique. Men are also getting tans, styling their hair (even wearing makeup). In some cases, I think there's also more pressure on men to have a financially stable career so that they may support their families once they have them. While I agree that men and women should be treated equally I also think that feminism, to an extent, assumes that men are a unified entity and that they have it all.
I think I went slightly off topic with your question but never mind.