The Student Room Group

Leaving home

I just want to see if anyone else feels like this :redface:

I am 21 and I live at home with my Mum and younger brother (he's 19). I stayed at home while I went to my local Uni but now I've graduated I've got to think about what I want to do next.

The problem is I love it at home :redface: I get on fantasically with my Mum while my brother and I have the best relationship ever, I really have no problems at home. My Mum has never put any pressure on me, I can come and go as I please, we never argue like a lot mothers and daughters do, we're good friends actually :smile: I also have a great time with my brother, we really are good friends too. If I didn't have to leave then I wouldn't :redface:

Does anyone else feel like this or do most people want to break free and move away? There is a course that I want to apply for but it's about 5 hours away and really I don't know if I want to move.

Part of me feels like a weirdo for feeling like this because it seems to me that most people my age can't wait to move away and have a life of their own.

Any advice would be appreciated :smile:
I think we all have to accept that we need to leave home sometime - my brother didn't leave home until mid 20s!

Your situation: the course seems like a good reason to leave home. It won't be forever remember.
Decide which you want more - the course, or living at home. Surely you can cope with spending 2/3 of the year doing this course and still living at home during holidays? :smile:

I am going to uni this year im 19 and have decided to stay at home. I find it difficult to think that i will have to leave home, even though i know that sum day i will have to. It is scary but just think about it i bet your mum would love for you to get a place of ytour own do it up become independent stuff like that.
You have graduated now time to move into the new era of your life, pluck up everything you have all courage etc and make the move, dont think and dwell on it or you wont do it.

Reply 4
Yeah, the course is something I really want to do, I think it's because I won't have many holidays because I'll have clinical placements :smile: And it is true, it's just about taking the plunge :smile:

I just didn't know if how I felt was normal or not....
Yeah, the course is something I really want to do, I think it's because I won't have many holidays because I'll have clinical placements :smile: And it is true, it's just about taking the plunge :smile:

I just didn't know if how I felt was normal or not....

I'd say it's normal, nothing to worry about :smile:
Reply 6
Im living at home for uni and about to go into my second year, its odd but i have no real inclination to leave home either, i have just brought a car which means im not going to be stuck at home anymore, i will leave home but not just yet