The Student Room Group
Umm ok tampax compak have a plastic applicator that you kinda slide out before u use it, (so they are smaller in length to fit in ur bag/pocket or whatever), whereas normal applicator tampax are made of cardboard not plastic and the applicator bit is already extended so they are longer (not the actual tampon bit, but the applicator). When i first used them i prefered the compak because the plastic is smoother lol so they are easier to get used to,and they are more discreet, but really there is not much difference. Maybe get both and see which u prefer?
Reply 2
The tampax compak, as the name suggests :smile: , is more compact. They're about ..5cm long (or something). You unwrap it you'll find 2 plastic tubes, one inside the other. You need to pull the inner one out so that you can use it to push the tampon inside you.

The other tampons with applicator are I think made of cardboard and are already extended so you don't need to pull the inner bit out.

Basically, compak ones are half the size of normal applicator tampons.

If you're a first-time user, I'd try the MINI tampons. They're thinner than the other tampons so it'd be easier to insert. Otherwise, I'd go for compak because I think the plastic gives a smoother appliation.

Hope that helps. You can always look on the tampax website for more info. They'll probably tell you the difference/how to use/what you should use on there.
For some reason i never seem to be able to get the cardboard applicator ones in, does anyone no why that might be? It's not like I'm tense or anything i just can't seem to but i'm fine with the plastic ones