The Student Room Group
i'm no expert but i assume you can stop when you like
Yeh you can. Not sure about the bleeding though. You can go on the manufacturers website and it has lots of FAQ's
Reply 3
I don't think you will start bleeding straight away. I'm pretty sure that it just carries on like a normal cycle so you won't come on for another 2 weeks aslong as you've been taking them correctly. I don't think there is a problem with stopping te pill half way either, I have done it. Although I wouldn't go and have sex once you've done that but I'm sure realise that. :smile:
Just stop taking them. But your natural cycle may be a bit messed up for a while...the downside of the pill i suppose!
You can stop taking it any time you like. It'll be out of your system within about a week, but your periods may be irregular for a while until your hormone levels settle.
My first pill I had side effects with and stopped taking it after a week and I did get a withdrawal bleed.
i'm no expert but i assume you can stop when you like

ah, the helpfulness of TSR
Reply 8
I've asked a doctor and pharmacist about this very matter and they both said to finish the current pack before coming off the Pill.
I've asked a doctor and pharmacist about this very matter and they both said to finish the current pack before coming off the Pill.

Um you don't know how serious Fleece's side effects are ...
Reply 10
I've stopped the pill 3 times (each one to get pregnant) - stopped first time 2 weeks into a pack - got period at normal time, got pregnant 2 weeks later. 2nd and 3rd times stopped at the end of a pack and never got a period as conceived within a week both times.
Be careful, you are fertile straight afterwards
Reply 11
You can stop it straight away- i had to cos the doctor thought i mite have blood clots in my leg. but if u'v had sex for up 2 7days before they said thers a chance u mite stil get pregnant and so she said if that was the case she wud hav had 2 do sumink else. not sure wot tho cos it wasnt the case. as for the bleedin, i cam on bout 2 days after stopping it and it lasted bout 5 days. from then on it settled down straight away and my periods wer regular (but slightly further apart than b4 i went on the pill). wasn't as bad coming off it as i thought it wud b. i also dnt get pain anymore which i used 2 b4 i went on the pill.
Reply 12
Um you don't know how serious Fleece's side effects are ...


I decided to stop - wasn't worth it - the side effects were too numerous and bad to carry on. Will try a diff one when back in Leeds.