there was this night we stuck a big picture of frank from donnie darko to this guys window so when he opened his curtains in the morning he jumped out of his skin...
we also went on to send numerous letters just saying 'they made me do it'
and then he got so paranoid and scared he decided to set a webcam up in his window so we printed of a mask of his face, got some one to wear it and stand in front of the cam...
after that he was to scared to be in his room and made a list of suspects and was gonna alert the wardens, so we decided to fess up
oh yeah - and everyone always takes each others food out of their cupboards and puts it all on the floor - its just such a bloody hassle - but its fun when ur doing it to someone else so we do it all the time
I went to a mates Birthday in town, came back to his house and his housemates decided to strip him and force him out of the house at 3am, he was brought back by a couple of Police officers 10 minutes or so later
Had a couple of silly housemates who thought it was quite funny to strategically place a video camera behind a cardbord cutout and covertly film the people the landlord had allowed to view the house for the following student year, some of there reactions to the rooms were funny
i glued some HORRIBLE girl's jar lids onto the jars and bottle tops on to the bottles!
Thats not a prank, rather a pathetic expression of hate, if you have a problem with someone discuss it with them rather than mess people about like that.
hid a guys keys in mince meat, then put it in the freezer removed the same guys bed into the lift. jammed a flats door by putting wet crisps into the lock. (nasty, but funny) using stupid amounts of duck tape and thick plastic type stuff, taped up one of our mates doors.
I heard my mate + flatmates wrapped everything in one of their flat mates room in newspaper, thats everything that was moveable.
lol we wrapped everything in one of our friend's room in kitchen foil. Even made the bed with foil. Looked like something off a sci fi movie. Hid a camera in his room too. Look on his face was priceless
Thats not a prank, rather a pathetic expression of hate, if you have a problem with someone discuss it with them rather than mess people about like that.
lol wtf... in comparison to no more nailing someones door so they have to buy a new 1.... i did discuss it with her... but the girl continued to break and damage the flat we lived in, left her period stained pads all over the bathroom and left skidmarks in the toilet...
some people like pranks, some people don't. I personally think pranks are funny but you have 2 b careful. I would only prank someone who would take it as a joke, not someone who would take it too seriously. In return if anyone pranks me, I take it as a joke
lol wtf... in comparison to no more nailing someones door so they have to buy a new 1.... i did discuss it with her... but the girl continued to break and damage the flat we lived in, left her period stained pads all over the bathroom and left skidmarks in the toilet...
- Throwing mattress out of window - Emptying drawers/wardrobe into bathroom or somewhere random! - Writing on the carpet/walls/doors in whipped cream - Running into each others rooms, and locking each other out - ^Then putting random things on desktop background, log into msn an send random messages
Just a few things they did! Luckily they left the girls alone!