The Student Room Group

Has anyone been like this before?

Basically there is this guy that I really like I want to tell him look matey I fancy you but the thing is I don't want anything to happen between us. I know that sounds crazy but it makes sense in my head. SO I was just wondering has anyone been in this position before and what did you do? what happened?Do you think I should say anything? Thanks in advance and sorry for my ramblings :smile:

maoam x
whats the point?
Reply 2
I think telling the guy that you really like him without wanting anything to happen would constitute as being a cocktease.
Dagnlk elwkjr pqskrn ib al-ibsd slawgb aob lerj; sjka umph.

^ That's how much sense your post just made.
Reply 4
lmao yeh my best mate said that would make me a prick tease. Freshestkid I dont know what would be the point but I guess it would make me feel better. I think maybe I do want something to happen but im scared of rejection :confused:

maoam x
how about just dont say anything and get over it?
Reply 6
Agreed. If you want nothing to come of the situation you may as well not say anything. If you do you establish yourself as a pricktease.

The truth is, I wager, that you in fact do want something to happen. You just can't bring yourself to admit it.
Reply 7
(edited 12 years ago)
Reply 8
Well if you're sure you want something to happen, then you might aswell say. If you're just leading him on, thats just not cricket now it is!
Right, so weve now established that you want your buddy. So do somethin about it! I point you here before you ask the inevitable 'what what if he doesnt like me?' Read the whole thing.
Reply 10
Right, so weve now established that you want your buddy. So do somethin about it! I point you here before you ask the inevitable 'what what if he doesnt like me?' Read the whole thing.

I know he likes me...which is why I need to make clear what is going to happen between us before it gets too complicated....

maoam x
why 'make it clear what is going to happen'? why not just see what happens?
Reply 12
Looks pretty simple to me.

He likes you, you like him. Jump in!
Reply 13
Looks pretty simple to me.

He likes you, you like him. Jump in!

No need to get graphic now.