The Student Room Group

Temporary Traffic lights

ok this may not exactly be a H & R problem, but i wanted to post as ANON :redface:

Basically wat happened is that the normal traffic lights at a junction were not working at my end [so I thought], but working for the other 3. Therefore I slowly moved forward and joined the road.

On the way back, I see that the cars are coming out of the same road I just came from in an orderly fashion.

On turning into that road I notice a traffic light [temporary]. I was wondering how I missed it, and then I realised. It was by a BUS STOP, and the BUS must have been blocking it, as I had to go past a bus right at that point as it went to pull into the side.

Now I dont think that there were any camera's or anything, but I must have gone through a red signal even though I couldn't really do anything about it.

Would I be in trouble of any sort for this?

PS this was at 7AM in the morning!

if there was a camera it wont be hooked up to temp traffic lights.

This should be in motoring
Reply 2
I wouldnt worry about it, if no one stopped you at the time you wont hear anything about it. Few lights have cameras attached to them which would be set off by you driving through a red light and i doubt any temporary ones do...
Reply 3
Also technically, you can ignore temporary traffic lights as they are only advisory.

However, that would be a bit foolish, although useful at 3am in the morning when no one else is on the road!

Reply 4
Also technically, you can ignore temporary traffic lights as they are only advisory.

However, that would be a bit foolish, although useful at 3am in the morning when no one else is on the road!


They must be obeyed

Reply 5
whats so embarrassing about going through temporary traffic lights that you have to hide your identity??

Reply 6
Errm, there are NO camera on traffic lights, the only time you get penalised for jumping red lights are when there are cameras specfically for the task, which are very rare.

The little things ontop of traffic lights are sensors, not cameras. Therefore, you can jump red lights all you want - you won't get caught, unless there is one of those cameras which look like ordinary speed cameras facing the lights, or a police car is behind you. The thing you do risk having is an accident, obviously.

As for temporary lights, theres no cameras attached and although you're supposed to obey them who really cares, theres some where I live due to roadworks at the moment and if its clear on the other side I just go straight through them.
Reply 7
They must be obeyed


Yeh sorry, just had a look at the highway code and your right. Sorry guys

Although...tbh if you can see the road is clear and it is 3am in the morning i would go through them...

Yeah we have a similar sort of setup for temporary lights right infront of a bus stop which is quite stupid really.
Reply 9
Plus I find temporary traffic lights to be terrible.Often staying on their reds/greens far too long. They are nearly always poorly set up and battered and wrecked that actually seeing them in direct sunlight is sometimes impossible!
Reply 10
i love those men who do those spinny sticks... theres one round here, (loads of roadworks recently) and he is the spitting image of a walrus.. i find that its more dangerous looking at laffing at him, than it would be if they just let us go to head with the other cars...
Also technically, you can ignore temporary traffic lights as they are only advisory.

wrong - temporary lights are actually more 'powerful' than fixed installations as those who can claim exemptions from fixed signals ( i.e. emergency services vehicles) cannot claim exemptions at temporary lights
Yeh sorry, just had a look at the highway code and your right. Sorry guys

Although...tbh if you can see the road is clear and it is 3am in the morning i would go through them...


enjoy hospital or prison food do you ?

oh yeah and no compo for muppets with 100% contributory negligence

actually probably won't hav e to worry aobut the hospital food, given that it's rather hard to eat when you are paralysed ,sedated and ventilatied , TPN doesn't taste of anythign as it goes into the vein...

seen, treated and transferred to neuro ITU far too many people who thought the rules of the road and the laws of physics didn't apply to them ....
Reply 13
Don't there have to be signs saying there are cameras for that?

Like there are for bus lane cameras?
Reply 14
Don't there have to be signs saying there are cameras for that?

Like there are for bus lane cameras?

Reply 15
As has been said, very unlikely.

Don't worry about it - lucky nothing happened, but it wasn't your fault and the people that laid it down should have realised that putting it where a bus could block the view isn't the best idea...
Reply 16
enjoy hospital or prison food do you ?

oh yeah and no compo for muppets with 100% contributory negligence

actually probably won't hav e to worry aobut the hospital food, given that it's rather hard to eat when you are paralysed ,sedated and ventilatied , TPN doesn't taste of anythign as it goes into the vein...

seen, treated and transferred to neuro ITU far too many people who thought the rules of the road and the laws of physics didn't apply to them ....

Oh FFS get a grip!

I was talking about road works where you can SEE what is coming the other way! If it is 3am in the morning and you can see the other way then it is pretty safe to go through them, a) because there are no cars on the road at 3am in the morning and b) because any cars that are on the road have their lights on and are thus easy to spot.

If it is a blind corner then obviously you obey the traffic lights but if you can literally see the end of the road works and nothing is coming i would go through them...its my life, my risk and i don't need you to tell me what will happen if i crash.

Reply 17
Errm, there are NO camera on traffic lights, the only time you get penalised for jumping red lights are when there are cameras specfically for the task, which are very rare.

They are increasingly common in London, my mum has 6 points on her license thanks to them...
Reply 18
Don't there have to be signs saying there are cameras for that?

There should be - but don't have to be.

Stopping at a red light is a given.