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Reply 1
Why just your arms. Do any CV exercise and lower your overall BF%.
Reply 2
Why just your arms. Do any CV exercise and lower your overall BF%.

Because i don't need to exercise anywhere else, it just seems that my arms are a problem area. If I lower my overall body fat I would weigh too little.
Reply 3
lots of reps using low weights can be beneficial (you can do bicep curls etc with bean cans or bottles of water!)... but maybe if you go to a gym try the rowing machine. otherwise press ups and weights etc at home evrey evening! can bring about changes over time
^^ if you exercise every single evening, your muscles will never have time to repair themselves, so its harmful.
Reply 5
If you just want to concentrate on your upper arms bicep curls and skull crushers with a barbell are the way to go. Do heavy weights and low reps to build up the muscle in your arms quickest. Don't do this more than 3 days a week if you're going to lift heavy weights and don't lift it 2 days in a row to give your muscles time to recover.
tbh it doesnt sound like the thread starter would have access to barbells :wink: but she can probably order some small, low weight dumb bells over the net and use those.
lots of reps using low weights can be beneficial (you can do bicep curls etc with bean cans or bottles of water!)... but maybe if you go to a gym try the rowing machine. otherwise press ups and weights etc at home evrey evening! can bring about changes over time

there's not one thing in that post that's right. not one!:eek:
^^ if you exercise every single evening, your muscles will never have time to repair themselves, so its harmful.

Balls. I am proof, as are many others. Popular misconception
Reply 9
Break your ankle :p: (am nearing the end of about 7 weeks on crutches, and the difference in my arms is amazing - I don't want big arms though!)
Balls. I am proof, as are many others. Popular misconception

yes because you know so much better than all the guys and fitness instructors that have been doing this for years, right?? :rolleyes: what a bloody idiot, keep doing that, have fun watching your muscles shrivel up.
The OP said 'toned' arms, NOT big arms. I know that if youre trying to get big you dont wanna be working the same muscle groups day in day out, but look at the fittest guys out there - Boxers - who train every day ,and in that time are constantly beasting their triceps (amongst however many other muscles). Do you see them with 'shrivelled up' arms?

No. I'll give you another example. I was out in thailand this summer for a month at a muay thai and MMA camp, training every day. Everybody was doing upwards of 400 pressups daily, six days a week on top of 4 hours training. Did any of us 'shrivel up'? No, the people i saw there were in the best shape i've ever seen people in, except a couple of guys i knew who competed in ironman triathlons. And for the record, i am one of those guys who have been 'doing this for years', 8 years to be precise. Anything else?
Anything else?

Yes, just one. What do you understand by the term 'toned'?
I'd say 'cut' is what is I understand by that term, i take it that you know what i mean by that. Also, bearing in mind the fact the the OP is a girl and is talking about 'sports' i would assume (however, i could always be wrong) that she is not looking to hit heavy weights (ie maxing out at 6-8 reps). I respect people's thoughts and comments on bodybuilding and weights in general, but this is not one of those threads.
Tone is not cut.

There is a difference between boxing every day and lifting weights everyday, namely that the second causes micro-trauma to the muscle in a way that the first does not.
I'd say 'cut' is what is I understand by that term, i take it that you know what i mean by that. Also, bearing in mind the fact the the OP is a girl and is talking about 'sports' i would assume (however, i could always be wrong) that she is not looking to hit heavy weights (ie maxing out at 6-8 reps). I respect people's thoughts and comments on bodybuilding and weights in general, but this is not one of those threads.

yeah i know what you mean. that sounds about right. as different as weight training is, it can help those wanting to 'tone'. the principles of losing fat are pretty much the same whether you're intensely weight training or just trying to 'get fit' in a general sense. but i agree this isn't the place for 6-8 max reps and all that.
if you exercise every single evening, your muscles will never have time to repair themselves, so its harmful.

This ^^^ is the post i was replying to. If the quote had been 'doing weights every single evening etc etc' i wouldn't have had issue with it.

Let's not get into semantics. The op wanted to have a bit more tone/definition/cut/whatever you like to call on her arms, not advice on weights.

And i couldnt give a **** about micro-trauma, my point that regular exercise does not lead to 'shrivelled up' muscles still stands.

Edit: Biggie - :yy:
Tone is not cut.

There is a difference between boxing every day and lifting weights everyday, namely that the second causes micro-trauma to the muscle in a way that the first does not.

what relevance does micro-trauma have to 'tone' or cut?
Reply 18
If you just want to concentrate on your upper arms bicep curls and skull crushers with a barbell are the way to go. Do heavy weights and low reps to build up the muscle in your arms quickest. Don't do this more than 3 days a week if you're going to lift heavy weights and don't lift it 2 days in a row to give your muscles time to recover.

what are skull crushers? thanks for the ideas :smile:
Reply 19
what are skull crushers? thanks for the ideas :smile: