The Student Room Group

Depressed! :( cant see my gf

I dont know what to do !! Here is the scene

Im doing a LDR and have been with my gf 1 year, we currently see each atleast once a month , just for a night or 2 days!

She lives about 3 hours away from me.........and she is coming to uni in my home town next year... which is good! no more LDR!! but thats next year..

How ever i have just got a new job corse which i have to move away for a year ... although back to my home town next year same time as my gf gets to uni.. This corse will now make me 4hours away from my gf.

But im so scared that the new job corse im doing will not allow us to see each other as the times are very awkard!!

Her dad dosent know about me.. and cant at the momment...... but he goes away on alot of business meetings.... (thats the times i use to see my gf.. when he went away)

But now i am at this corse... i start work every morning 8am! what i use to do was the night before.. spend the night at my gfs.. and then leave early morning to get back for work.. but with this new corse i have searched all times and there is no train early enough to get back to work on time.

I dont know what to do ! im soo depressed. i dont what to let her down..

i havent explained it all proply.. but no we cant just meet at weekends, cause her dad dosent let her out alot.. and gets suspious about any she cant get out alot!

What shall i do ?? :frown: :frown:
Reply 1
I would have suggested not to take the course, but you already have, so to be honest it doesn't sound like there's a lot you can do except grin and bear it? :frown:

Or tell her dad to make everything a billion times easier. Why can't you do that?
I would have suggested not to take the course, but you already have, so to be honest it doesn't sound like there's a lot you can do except grin and bear it? :frown:

yeah afraid thats all you can do, just hope your girlfriend is supportive and that your love will survive
Reply 3
well its not a corse,, its training corse for the start of my new career ... which is wat i need at the momment, as i do nothing now! her dads very over protective and sort of guy that just wants her dad to do good in education!

I made it so much worst by telling her every thing will be fine and il see you just as much as i use to etc.... but iv just told her how it might not be like that. she was devastated. i feel such a crap bf. The thing is we are so good for each other . We have lasted a LDR a year already . if we can get through this year now i belive we were ment to be.
after a year the father doesnt know about you?
why not?
Reply 5
oh my god, **** sakes, I just want some adivice and comfort and every place in this stupied world, stupied internet and even people i meet from where ever i go , i always get nothing but the same old ****, people from every angle giving their pathetic comments, im sick off it and the world i live in. I spend every effort to make the people around me happy i dont know why i do it cause i still get nothing from it. What is every ones problem, yes im in debt this is cause all i want to do is spend my time talking to my gf on th phone, whats the problem, i had a relative die the other day, my gf has been away on holiday for a week. all i asked for was some one to talk to and no one was their for me, except for my gf. she told me everythings going to be alrite, i trust what she tells me cause i know shes the only person who their for me. Im sick of how people give me grief even over the net, people are getting murdered out side my house, im afraid to go any where, theres nothing left for me here except my gf . Where the **** is god now? Why cant he solve the problems every one of us had? I have been beliving in you from the start, if i live my life and find no heaven, then what do i live for, End of the month i live. I pray it will work out but if not whats here for me, some once said to me moral fibre is when you find the one thing you trully care about. And when you find it, you will fight for it and risk it all, ur life, ur future for over just that one person but in your heart u know that the juice is worth the sqeeze......This is a very good idea of moral fibre and I think this has happened to every1 including me.