My mum says - never go back once you've split up.
However, I've recently got back together with my bf who broke up with me for 2 months. What we had was too precious, our dreams of the future, and above all, him... However scared I was - and still am - I think it's worth a shot. I suppose I simply want him enough to give it another go, cus who knows what might happen this time? I know I wouldn't have been able to say no when he'd asked me, and I know I'd simply regret it if I didn't give it a go. I'd regret it forever. Mind you, if we broke up again, I'm never going back, period. But everyone deserves one second chance, right? I don't believe in third chances, but second chances, yes.
It all depends on what sorta girl you are. 2 ways of doing it:
Number 1: If he likes you so much, surely the risk of rejection would not and could not compare to the possibility and joy of having you back, which would lead him to ask you regardless and confess his feelings. If he refuses cus he's too scared, then he probably doesn't like you enough anyway so maybe you should just leave it.
Number 2: Confront him. Surely the possibility of getting back with him is greater than the risk of rejection. Getting an answer is better than not knowing cus then at least you can deal with the situation.
I'm the opportunist sort who will confront an issue and ask whatever questions that need to be asked, so I'd personally confront him. However as a girl I believe in being pursued as opposed to me pursuing the guy, so maybe it would be good to wait for him to confront you, as that would show you how much he likes you, that he likes you more than you like him, and that security is pretty priceless. (btw, no feminist attacks about how why a women shouldn't chase after a guy, please. Just different ways of doing things.)