The Student Room Group


well, i am pretty sure i am not the only one on here who has it!

guys, what do you think about girls with cellulite? notice it? hate it? don't mind?

girls, what can i do to get rid of it? i mean, any creams or such to reduce the appearance?

by the way, i am not overweight - i am my ideal size (8) and don't want to lose weight or anything. just want to get rid of the cellulite!
i have exactly the same problem.... i was reading about ti ina magazine a few days ago and they were saying drink more water and exercise! plus using the creams you can get

having gone to a girls school for a few years and been involved in many conversations of this nature i think as long as you are clean and well presented + don't stink like a strippers jock strap that's fine
Reply 3
I know what you mean, i'm 8 stone but have cellulite on the back of my legs and stretchmarks on my sides. It doesn't bother me though, i've grown to like my lightening stripes, lol.
Reply 4
I know what you mean, i'm 8 stone but have cellulite on the back of my legs and stretchmarks on my sides.

Exactly the same here!
Reply 5
depends how "much" (i'll use that instead of bad) it is
Reply 6
It's on my bum and parts of my thighs.

Appearance wise, it is noticeable! :frown:
good thread haha, what do guys think about it
Reply 8
Dry brush it to promote blood flow, drink lots of water and avoid toxins like caffine. And yes, men what do you think?!
Reply 9
I know what you mean, i'm 8 stone but have cellulite on the back of my legs and stretchmarks on my sides. It doesn't bother me though, i've grown to like my lightening stripes, lol.

me tooo. well not the stretch marks, infact i don't think i've grown much as i'm often mistaken for being 4/5 years younger. but the cellulite . . . I eat healthily, lots of fruit and water etc, try to exercise a lot, but I have a sugar addiction. I've majorly cut down, but it's still a problem. especially when you start crashing in the middle of a lesson. urgh. e numbers are so much fun though.
Speaking for my self, I'm most attracted towards athletic figures, cellulite is less of an issue for me, it's more the overall figure.

However, having discussed this with my male friends, there's no general concensus on what we all like - some like 'skinny', some hate skinny and much prefer 'womanly'.

Advice: exercise is good for figure (cellulite? not sure). I used to go to a kung fu class for several years, I noticed how some of the girls who kept it up physically changed - some of them to the extent that I quite fancied them, where I hadn't been interested before...
Cellulite isn't weight related. People can be very athletic and have I guess it's a good thing that at least one man isoblivious to it.
I asked my boyfriend what he thought of my cellulite and he didn't know what it was!!

He even looked perplexed when I tried explaining it to him.

You see :wink:
Reply 13
It isn't aesthetically complementary.
I have it majorly, and I don't think my bf even notices! He wonders why I'm so self conscious of my bum!
She's probably right'll increase blood get spanking.
Reply 16
I really don't notice it on my partner - i find it fine. She has some stretchmarks, which again don't matter as i have them myself due to weight training.

Not a big deal. Although she is certain that spanking helps.

Would that I had such an excuse.
I know what you mean, i'm 8 stone but have cellulite on the back of my legs and stretchmarks on my sides. It doesn't bother me though, i've grown to like my lightening stripes, lol.

ditto! but im size 12. lol.
I have a little bit, but I've been exercising a lot recently and although I haven't lost weight my skin looks smoother and more toned. I think part of it is to do with circulation, so exercise and body brushing help. And also, detoxing helps. So lots of water and fruit, and less caffiene and alcohol.
Reply 19
"If yo man got a problem with yo stech marks, I suggest you quit f**kin with b*** n*g*as, that's what I say. I think I speak for all real n*g*as in attendence today when I say we ain't got time to be worryin about no sh*t like strech marks. We know they either came from one of two things: either you was big and got small, or you was small and got big. Either way we f**king, either waaaay." - Katt Williams