The Student Room Group

Meeting your new flatmates

As advised, i am now putting this thread on here in the theory of getting more posts.

Here's what people have put so far:

ya know what I hadnt even thought of that but knowing me (as Im so bad with names!) people will tell me their names and 2 mins after I'll be thinking great what did they say?? :confused: :p:

oh me too. im actually quite scared i'll not be able to remember anyones name! i'll be meetin so many people in the space of not long and i dont know any of them!

meh well at least I can feel better by thinking that whoever I meet might not remember my name either lol :p:

good point :biggrin:

I hope I get on with the people I'm gonna be living with, that is what scares me the most..... oh and I hope there is at least ONE gorgeous boy I'm living with! :love:Ewan McGreggor please!

Hadn't even thought about it but hope they will all like wine as I plan on taking some with me to break the nice....I love wine :biggrin:

Just wine? I was gonna take half of Threashers with me!

Oh, crap. That's really reminded me of a big issue. It was my mum who once told me "that's the trouble with first impressions - you only get to make one". With that in mind, I'm just even more worried.

feel free to now add what you all think

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Reply 1
Do you want advice or what?:smile:
Reply 2
Do you want advice or what?:smile:


i think there should at least be a question to be answered or something worth while...a point to the thread..mmmmmmmmmm:suitd:
Do you want advice or what?:smile:

Yep...she's after advice on how to break the ice...introducing yourself...etc...

Reply 4
Ah ok!

I was lucky, I was one of the first there so had time to unpack my stuff and get rid of the parents! A few of my flatmates were in the kitchen so I just strolled in, said hello and introduced myself and then we just sat and chatted! I brought choc brownies with me too, which went down well :biggrin: .
Reply 5
if your forgetting names - the magic word "mate" comes in handy

as in: "so what subject you donig mate" and "you wanna cup of tea mate?"

for women you can use "hun" or "love"
this isnt about breaking the ice but i read some advice that said 'dont bitch about fellow students to anyone until you know who you can trust' i thought that was quite good for the girls
Reply 7
Don't be scared to fart infront of them...if you're living with them for a year you might as well get the first awkward fart out of the way so shake hands and drop one...then in future it won't be so could even have competitions and get to know each others smell so you can identify the culprit when you all have a night in watching a DVD.
eugh- thats just gross
Reply 9
eugh- thats just gross

It's natural and the sooner people accept that the less embarrassing it will become. Besides you can't expect to go the whole year without dropping a fart in front of your flatmates. Sooner or later they will crack on why you go to your room at random intervals every time you watch a DVD. :smile:

I'm only covering an important issue which affects all of us in student accomodation. :redface: :rolleyes:
no thats discusting!! i havnt done it with my friend, familys, bfs- anyone!!
no thats discusting!! i havnt done it with my friend, familys, bfs- anyone!!

Why not? :confused:

Farting is's natural...everyone does it, there's nothing disgusting about it. What's the point in being secretive about it.

You miss my point, don't do it in their faces but don't go out of your way not to fart if you have to then fart.
its smelly!!! thats wats gross about it!! and when u smell something its because tiny particles of the thing ur smelling are gonig up ur nose!!!!!
Reply 13
that's just nasty. i really hope i get into uni, really looking forward to it now.
Gema you need to relax. People who get bothered over farting are too uptight. Relax and let nature take its course. :cool:
nooo im a reli relaxed person. reli laid back- i just hate farting (or as i call them poppsies)
nooo im a reli relaxed person. reli laid back- i just hate farting (or as i call them poppsies)

There aren't many people who like it but I just don't see a point in being embarrassed to do it...everyone does it so what's the point?
Reply 17
i don't get embarassed i just think it's really juvenile
i don't get embarassed i just think it's really juvenile

Because only kids fart? :confused:

How is farting juvenile?
Reply 19
The Chosen
Because only kids fart? :confused:

How is farting juvenile?

doing it in front of everyone and making a big deal of it is