no one taking this seriously then???
okay, simple. to lose weight. stop worrying about it. eat sensibly, (this varies between people) i stopped eating meat not so long ago and lost wieght at a phenominal rate. i still eat fish though to keep the protein goin on. at the end of the day the way forward is DPIIYFG (dont put it in your f***ing mouth)
another thing. excercise. 5 hours in the gym every day is going to kill you. you'll get bored too. you need a "program" that can progress as your level of fitness rises. it also helps if its something you enjoy doing and so dont consider it to be excercise (i've been downhill mountain biking for 7 years and love it witha passion)
this works y'know. i spent about three months in hospital earlier this year and had no excercise whatsoever, rendering me......... a porker and a half. and now, four months later im happy with myself again.