The Student Room Group

Family getting me down!

Since March time, my mum has been a complete bitch to me and its just gettin worse and worse.
My sister (who unlike me gives holy **** to my parents ... shes 16 comes in late like 12ish when her kurfu is 10, either drunk or stoned, then she causes rows, smokes all mums fags etc)
She has now reformed possibly, she doesnt hang around with her old friends and has been good for about 6weeks now so mum is treating her so nicely. Now ive been good my whole life and i dont get anything, no special treatment or anything.
Before i went on holiday to Turkey with my friends at the end of last month, things were pretty bad, we were arguing all the time, i was crying most days, she even told me that she has to do things herself because i in her words ****** everything i do up*, so i went away thinking its just what we needed, time apart. I was homesick in the 2nd week quite bad, phoned home and they all said they were missing me etc so i thought things would be ok.
Got home on Sat, the weekend was great, but monday it all started again, bitching all the time, yesterday she told me to stop being miserable, so i told her its not me being miserable its her, so she said well its only been since you got back that ive been like this. Ive done nothing at all wrong i really havent,
That hurt me so much,
i even spent a bit of money on her on monday morning, shed wanted this rug for the living room but couldnt afford it so i went out and bought it for her. Then an hour later she was bitching at me coz i wanted to go and buy a new jacket, its ok when i buy her stuff though isnt it. i cant wait to get away from them i really cant. My sister is such a goody twoshoes now i cant stand her either coz she goes along with everything my mum says.
Im going mad, theres not a day goes by when she doesnt upset me, i just want Uni to come now so i dont have to deal with it everyday.
Sorry about the rant.
Reply 1
Seems to me that Staffs is just a great place to have domestic upsets (from experience.) Your mum probably just wants to see your sister on the right track so now if she has reformed she needs to be rewarded a bit; guidance can't be all stick.
Reply 2
Awww hun I really feel for you, it must be horrible. I've never been in that situation as bad like that myself so i cant really comment too much on it. I think maybe when you go to uni, they'll appreciate you more when you come back in the holidays cos i think they will miss you. Try to not let them get you down, i know it can be difficult, i don't like living with my dad either cos he loses his temper at the slightest of things. Lucky for mum cos she can calm the situation down usually.

Take care.

Karen x
Reply 3
Awww hun I really feel for you, it must be horrible. I've never been in that situation as bad like that myself so i cant really comment too much on it. I think maybe when you go to uni, they'll appreciate you more when you come back in the holidays cos i think they will miss you. Try to not let them get you down, i know it can be difficult, i don't like living with my dad either cos he loses his temper at the slightest of things. Lucky for mum cos she can calm the situation down usually.

Take care.

Karen x

Thank you. I dont think she realises how much she upsets me, she hasnt said a word to me all day apart from "can u make me a coffee" which i did, didnt even get a thank you. Grrr sometimes i could just ya know!!