The Student Room Group

what is social?

Ok, well I'm 17 and used to be fine at school with making friends etc. Since I've been at secondary school I did had friends but my weekends were always really busy with sport/music etc. (all with people a lot older than me) so I never really accepted any invitations, school discos etc. Now I'm in a position where very few people talk to me for anything more than a few minutes, I seldom get invited out and anything I try to organise people can't or won't come to. I don't live locally to school and i just would desperately love to be able to just ring someone up and say can i come round for a natter for an hour or so and just pop round. I've tried going to youth clubs and joining more music groups but it always seems to be with people a lot younger or older than me. I don't seem to beable to fit in with not just my age group, but any age group. I really need a social life with people who i get on with and who genuinally get on with me rather than always trying to fit in or find a way of doing so. Any advice would be so much appreciated. I just feel like I'm holding out for university but I know i really need something this year to get me through.
Talk to one of the friends you had who you think you can trust.
introduce yourself to some of the new year 12s next year and offer to show them ye olde 6th form ropes? i had a lot of m8s last year who were in year 13! (me being in year 12) :biggrin:
and don't worry bout the social thing... my friendship group used to be huge in my year, now i have 2! :biggrin:
Reply 3
you must have some people you can go mingle with, go do that for a few lunchtimes, see who tlks to you, build up your extended friends network, see who likes you best out of the first group, go witht hem to the 2nd group voilaa, lots of friens, also just (and i kno its bad) (assumin u have msn or simular) just ask someone on ther who u knwo is poop ular for X,Y+Z's email adresses get tlkin to them and build from tht!!!
hope it helps, its not impossible, another sure fire way, just sa one lunch whos comin to the pub.. you wil be a god!!!
Reply 4
try and get a weekend job in a local'll find a load of fellow college/ 6th form students doing the same from loads of local schools so you can make friends with them and earn some cash.
Reply 5
Social doesn't mean randomly going out to parties etc. It means being confident and easy to get along with. Talk to your friends more than you do at the moment. Don't wait for them to talk to you.

I am in a similar situation to you (distance from school, hard to organise things regularly). But I feel the opposite way. I make the most of the time with my friends.