The Student Room Group

Ordering Spare Keys For Stoplock

I've got a stoplock original, which came with two keys. I've recently had my bag stolen so im now down to one.Worried about losing that one so was wondering if anyone knew where i can get a spare set cut. I know i had a reorder form but it was thrown away with the box and it wont let you reorder online.

edit: i do have the key that came with them giving the number to reorder the keys if thats any help
Reply 1
I think all you need is the number/code to be able to reorder them and the form would just make it easier. Try searching on the internet for a contact phone number or address for the company and give them a ring. I don't think you can just get a new key cut like you can a door key etc, but I might be wrong. Sorry to hear you had your bag stolen, hope everything else is getting sorted out ok!
What car do you have? Might not even be worth bothering.
Reply 3
What car do you have? Might not even be worth bothering.

Are you serious?

Edit: Sorry I was thinking he said Disklok for some reason and not stop lock. I wouldn't even bothering getting a spare key for your stop lock bin it as it isn't very effective at stopping someone from stealing you car. The only one worth having is a disklok, which coincidently is thatcham approved.

You just need some bolt cutters for the stop lock, takes two seconds. Yeah you might now have a gap in the steering wheel but it is still driveable to go for a joy ride :smile:
Most cars post 1994-1996 has immobolisers, most of which only the most serious criminals have any change to get around, and physical stoplock of any sort is pretty pointless. I know that if anybody breaks into my car they won't be able to steel it without the keys.
Reply 5
Sorry to hear you had your bag stolen, hope everything else is getting sorted out ok!

Cheers everything else was simple, either got keys recut and just cancelled my cards.
Iv sorted it out as my brother is giving me his disclok as hes just bought a new car with a built in alarm and things.
I have a Nissan Micra , and they have a rep for being quite easy to steal, it was more of a deterent than a this will definatly protect my car.
thanks for all your help