The Student Room Group

Cwrt Mawr

Hi everyone just got my accomodation pack through today and Im staying in Cwrt Mawr; but fairly worried about it as i know very little about what this hall's like. Does anyone know what the communial areas in the flats are like and what facilities the kitchen has? also what are the bathrooms like, is it one bathroom i.e one toilet, one shower etc per flat or are their lots of them?

Reply 1
Hi everyone just got my accomodation pack through today and Im staying in Cwrt Mawr; but fairly worried about it as i know very little about what this hall's like. Does anyone know what the communial areas in the flats are like and what facilities the kitchen has? also what are the bathrooms like, is it one bathroom i.e one toilet, one shower etc per flat or are their lots of them?


Seen as Cwrt Mawr flats hold about 10 people, I imagine there'll be multiple bathrooms in each flat. The kitchens are huge, and have everything you need (it is a self-catrered hall after all). I'll tell you for definate on Saturday as I am staying in Cwrt Mawr when I do my resits.
Reply 2
Well from what i remember it has the corridors split in two with a big shared kitchen, it has a firedoor halfway between so it splits it sort of. Two toilets on each side, a shower (or two) but dont quote me on this.
Some blocks are not two sided they have just one side but these generally have like 6 people in them
Reply 3
I was about to say there's two styles with the Cwrt Mawr blocks, some have the kitchens at the end of the corridor, where as other have them in the middle. I've only ever visited one Cwrt Mawr block, which had an end kitchen, but can't really remember much as I'd had a drink or two...
Reply 4
i stayed in a cwrt mawr block that is split in half that kitchen in the middle of the block (end of one of the flats) and big rooms either end of the blocks(i has the lucky one) with other rooms in between, there are 2 showers and 2 toilets
Reply 5
I thought all CM flats had the kitchen in the middle (well the ones that I usually walk past on the way to the Co-op do anyway)
Reply 6
I think it was J or K block which were the ones with the kitchen at the end.
Not on the way to the coop, if you walked towards the back carpark at the very end round hte back of hte drama block.
Reply 7
i was in f block i think j and k were right next to it
Reply 8
The blocks with the end kitchen are the ones towards Trefloyne.
Reply 9
i think a is changed now so dont know what that is like
Reply 10
I think it was just refurbished as most of the other blocks were last year. (i think anyway) So the layout should stay the same
And wasnt that block mostly for non-fresher students?
Reply 11
well block 5 apparently was refurbished but with different to all the other blocks
Reply 12
The blocks with the end kitchen are the ones towards Trefloyne.

Yes, the three little ones just before the only one which doesnt face the sea (if you know what I mean, I think that one is block K). I'm in block H (the middle one of the three), and I can confirm that the kitchen is at the end, and it's a good size, with a toaster, cooker, microwave, kettle, a large freezer and a large fridge.

There are also 2 loos and 2 showers, all of which to serve 6 people. The flat is arranged corridor style (similar to Penbryn only a lot cleaner and carpeted!) with the rooms on one side and the loos/showers/kitchen on the other.

I'll post some pics up when I get back from Aber, I can't get the internet in my room *cries* andn the stupid Stunet thingy won't let me in! :frown:
Reply 13
Is block H the one nearest the road along the back there, cos if so, that's the one I've been in...
Reply 14
Block H was like just outside the entrance to cwrt mawr bar (about 5-6steps away), i think
Reply 15
Depends which bar entrance you use :p:
Reply 16
Quiet you! :p:
Reply 17
yeah it being so close has it advantages and disadvantag in terms of noice but alort of cwrt mawr is clustered around that point
Reply 18
Is block H the one nearest the road along the back there, cos if so, that's the one I've been in...


And it's not that close to the bar. (about 50 paces :p:)
Reply 19
its good enough to stagger home after a few to many