The Student Room Group
Added to the glowing, tingly, warm feeling I have right now for another reason = :biggrin:
Reply 2
back flips, on a trampolene and in a centrifuge...thats my stomach...and doing its best to tie itself into the most intricate knot ever...
Reply 3
I am just pooooooooooooooooooooooing myself big-time!!!!!!
Reply 4
There are so many of these threads.
Can you check yours online? i will be up at 6.25. Pick up my laptop which will be next to me, plugged in and switched on (its worth the waste of electricity) and i will have my intranet page up ready to be refreshed at 6.30 where my results will appear as if by magic on screen. then i will either laugh or cry..
Reply 5
Added to the glowing, tingly, warm feeling I have right now for another reason = :biggrin:

Valium? Prozac? :p:
Valium? Prozac? :p:

I don't need pills to make me feel great :biggrin: :suith:
Reply 7
I don't need pills to make me feel great :biggrin: :suith:

i do
I don't need pills to make me feel great :biggrin: :suith:

Calpol 6+ then?
Ron Stoppable
Calpol 6+ then?

Nope! A new drink called 'RS' actually. You should try it!
Liquor'll make you happy.
Reply 11
I can access mine on my college website from 1 minute past midnight