The Student Room Group

painful bum pimple

its results day and as if things cant get any worse the day has started with a painful sensitive sore pimple right at the top of my crack. i have a few hours before i have to get dressed n go to school to get results. how can i get rid of it? its not like a whitehead i can pop, its a big red swollen sore thingy. and it hurts! i'm only anon because some people consider it wierd for girls to talk about stuff like this. but i need help!!! ill +rep the person who can help me reduce/numb/eradicate this pimple before i have to get dressed n go get my results. but do NOT ask me to put toothpaste on it. its on my bum! and a sensitive part of my bum too!
have you tried germoline? its got an anesthetic effect and its quite good. hot water might help draw out the spot into a whitehead but it might be to soon for that.
Reply 2
i like that stuff. i dont have any left though; and i doubt theres a local chemist open. any other ideas?
not at this time of the morning lol. like i said hot water sometimes helps to bring the spot to the surface.
Reply 4
i'll sit in the bath or something in a couple of hours then? if it works il rep u!
K, this is how you get rid of it my way...

No pain, no gain... so basically get your most pointy nail and try to pop it as hard as possible. It'll hurt like hell but it'll decrease in size when stuff comes out of it lol [ew i know].

It's gonna hurt but it worked for me. The next day i did the same and it went.

PS i had to do it because it used to hurt when i sat down on a chair!
This will be a good name for my new band.
Reply 7
It sounds like a boil. I get them on my back. You can't do anything..... you have to let them simmer for a bit. Just wear big pants, not a thong. You'll be fine!
I had this a couple of years ago. I think it's a pretty common area to get boils. Mine was so painful I couldn't sit down and could only lie in bed in one position. I was too chicken to pop it and too embarrassed to go to the doctor, but it went away by itself after about a week. If you're braver than me, you may want to see a doctor because it could be something called a pilonidal sinus.