The Student Room Group
Reply 1
have you got your grades yet or just looking on track?
if you have not got them to have a thorough looking at then maybe wait til u have, ask advice from your tutor or whoever then ring them up and beg!
Reply 2
ive got my grades already.... if i phone them, what should i say??
who do i ask for??
Reply 3
There will be a specific applications number somewhere - what uni is it?
Reply 4
london school of economics
Reply 5
They say that:

Please do not phone the Undergraduate Admissions Office, as information on the status of your application will not be given over the phone.
Reply 6
what should I do?
i'm so shocked i can kill myself now
Reply 7
Does it actually say unsuccessful on track?
Reply 8
the uni says that they reconsider those who marginally fail their offers....
i failed by 10 marks for 2 subjects, but then i take 2 extra subjects which I screwed up even more on, hence wont help meeting the offer conditions....

do you think they would still consider me? i mean if i get remarked i could get marked up.
Reply 9
yes it actually says unsuccessfull.... what im wondering is, is there ANY way it would change
Reply 10
I don't know, find a number and ring, I was getting a bit confused. Explain that you are awaiting remarks etc.
Reply 11
My brother got in to cardiff after missing the grades. It depends how close your grades are. He got ABC with a C in the wrong subject when he only needed BCC. Its definitely worth phoning the uni anyway though.
Reply 12
Reply 13
really>? so if i phone the uni, what might they say? could they say @ok well give u an offer then" or would they just tell you to ring again tomorrow, or just say sorry.
I can cry right now. i had everything placed on Bristol. And now its saying "Unsuccessful" :frown: . I called but the Bristol switchboard is off now . it opens at 9 am. guess i gotta wait for an hour. :frown:
Reply 15
really>? so if i phone the uni, what might they say? could they say @ok well give u an offer then" or would they just tell you to ring again tomorrow, or just say sorry.

Just ring up, nobody can tell you what they will say!

showdown_counts: Sorry :hugs:, wait and see if they say anything :smile: .
Reply 16
hiya, ive just had a look at track and seen that ucl have said 'unsuccessful'.

im gonna get my results at 11, and if i havent missed the conditions by too much, then im gonna call and begin the begging:frown:

theres no harm in trying m8, nothing 2 lose:rolleyes:

goood luck

Reply 17
i called the admissions tutor who was really nice but i had no guts to tell who i was and all i said was "im gonna get a remark... if my grades go up will you take me?" and she said "yes" and thats it ........ ahhh should i call again
Reply 18
i called the admissions tutor who was really nice but i had no guts to tell who i was and all i said was "im gonna get a remark... if my grades go up will you take me?" and she said "yes" and thats it ........ ahhh should i call again

Theres no need to fear admission tutors, they will try to help you as much as possible .