Hi, Its great that you volunteer, i volunteer at my local hospice, its great the patients there are great, and they have become more like friends now, i've been going one afternoon a week for nearly two years, i am however, 18, and it i can remember when i was younger i wanted to do what your doing but i couldn't get in anywhere, especially hospitals they are very picky about letting people in, because its a vunerable environment, i'm a student nurse now and i can understand why, its mainly because the patients feel that a volunteer is kind of intruding private space, i would try as your nhs trust may be different from mine, but i'd like to say how cool you are for volunteering where you are now, i hope you continue to volunteer as much as you can, everyone will really appreciate, and aswell as that it puts you in a very good position when your at job/ uni interviews when you can be proud and say what you have done. Well done :-)