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Reply 1
Brunel is china town sorry no white people :p:

There are eough people and I dont think it should be a concern neways Im not white myself so I wouldnt know how 'The whites' think about this matter however its all good and well for me as I 'try' to get on with all sorts of people.
I'm caucasian (sp?) and I'll be there :smile:

Whats wrong with being different and sticking out like a sore thumb though? Seems like a silly concern, but perhaps that is just me :P
Reply 3
his scared his girl friend might turn dark. :p:
I would say there is a mixture
I'm white and I'm going, and have no worries at all about being the "only white girl there" :smile:
Reply 6
Hey do you know when we get the accommodation letter etc?
It said on the brunel myplace thing (although if your link didn't work you probably wouldn't have seen it yet) that the accommodation office would get "in touch with us shortly" I assume within the next week or so as there's only a month until we go!!! Yay!! :biggrin:
Reply 8
i'm white and i have loads of white mates, as well as asian and black friends. your girlfriend won't stick out like a sore thumb, tell her not to worry!! it seems like most people tend to make friends with people who are similar to them (i.e. blacks with blacks, whites with withes etc.) during the first week but as soon as lectures start you make friends with people from all over the place!
Reply 9
The question is that how many white people will approach 'non-whites' for friendship or vise versa. A student has to spend a lot of time at university, 3/4 years... and its important that they go to a place where they feel comfortable and such little concerns might not make things too comfortable for a few people.. So I guess the girl in question needs to give it a good thought before she goes to be brunel because she will be coming across alot of asians (just incause if she doesnt like asians)
Reply 10
I think im going to brunel now... they accepted my insurance place, but halls are soo expensive... im going to be so poor after.... so who else goes there, just wondering because i wontknow anyone that goes there. Im Gar, 19, almost 20 gonna go do economics there. oh yea... im chinese, but was born here and i like dim sum. lol
Reply 11
Lucky you gar, you will find loads of chineese people around! Wish you all the best
hi all, my name's michelle and im gonna be studying history in sept. im chinese-vietnamese but i had no idea that brunel was predominantly oriental - i always thought there were more white people if anything, esp being in the more surburban area of london. from past schools, i defo agree with Janina1986 that people tend to hang around with their own kinds - i sorta have a thing against those people, and im just hoping i dont turn into one of them with brunel being full of orientals!
hi all, my name's michelle and im gonna be studying history in sept. im chinese-vietnamese but i had no idea that brunel was predominantly oriental - i always thought there were more white people if anything, esp being in the more surburban area of london. from past schools, i defo agree with Janina1986 that people tend to hang around with their own kinds - i sorta have a thing against those people, and im just hoping i dont turn into one of them with brunel being full of orientals!

Ooh I agree, I am black but hate hanging out with only black people. I feel you limit yourself so much more if you do that. My best friend is white and my other friend is Indian. I have been friends with my best friend for 15 years and I find I have more in common with her then I do other people regardless of race.
I'm sure there won't really be a problem, especially with all the stuff that goes on in freshers, and the inductions for our individual subjects, we should get to know people of all ethnicities pretty quickly
As far as the statistics go, last time I checked Brunel is still prominently white, however I have always seen it as a plus to go to an international educational environment. If you don't like that kinda thing, London isn't really your thing.
tell her not to worry! its not as bad as it seems. i live in norwich, where the majority of people are white and im asian. you get used to "sticking out like a sore thumb" and become loving it :smile:
it seems like most people tend to make friends with people who are similar to them

I dunno - in my first day of school I made friends with alot of my current best friends whom are Dutch, Ugandan, Chinese, American/Chinese, Ukrainian and alot of English ofc - but I guess we were all pretty nerdy...
Reply 18
My friends are all of mixed origins, it makes life more intresting
Reply 19
im goin brunel :biggrin:! i'm indian...i have heard bout brunel being soo 'multicultural' but oh well...they wont bite..i hope