The Student Room Group
to most women ive met yes
Reply 2
From what I've seen, women like a guy that that has conferdense, so if you are a shy wimp, then you will never get anywhere.

And its always guys that make the first move (which is a real basterd)
Reply 3
Do you mean do men find shyness a turn off in women or vice versa?
From what I've seen, women like a guy that that has conferdense, so if you are a shy wimp, then you will never get anywhere.

And its always guys that make the first move (which is a real basterd)

I know exactly what you mean, it does seem like that l'm affaid.
Reply 5
yes it is a turn off if theyre really shy.
a bit of shyness is alright.
once i liked a guy who was really shy and found that i kinda had to make all the conversation which was kinda annoying.
Reply 6
yes it is a turn off if theyre really shy.
a bit of shyness is alright.
once i liked a guy who was really shy and found that i kinda had to make all the conversation which was kinda annoying.

Oh, I'd be alright once the convo started going.

Its just that first step which I can't do.
Reply 7
i am a girl lol , so do guys find shyness a turn off?
Reply 8
i am a girl lol , so do guys find shyness a turn off?

Well as I said, there are way more shy men then there are shy women so most would understand. Plus guys are expected to make the first move so you've got nothing to worry about
no i find shyness a turn on. i like to dominate.

i'm kidding. girls who are more 'out of their shell' make me feeel more comfortable (as a shy guy) around them. not too lively however as i cant get a word in there. although if a girl is too shy its bad because then i find myself doing al the talking :P
to be perfectly honest, guys are more interested in looks for a start.

After that, if your shy, i suppose it makes it less daunting for a guy to approach.

(contrary to being an ultra bitch)
i think guys with a lil shyness is CUTE!!! but those that ALWAYS expecet us girls to talk first are IDIOTS!
Reply 12
i am a girl lol , so do guys find shyness a turn off?

Picking one particular character trait and asking about its supposed attractiveness doesn't make much sense to me, better to describe who you are and how you behave, from that people wil be able to tell you how you might be received. To sum up, a person cannot possibly be summed up by reference to one aspect of their personality, and so no-one can say generally whether shyness is a good or bad trait .
Reply 13
i find a bit of shyness cute, but not too much...

but sometimes i wish girls would make the first move as well, coz i m kind of shy sometimes lolx... conflicting eh.
Reply 14
cool thanks :P
poltroon: the problem is that when a guy approches me i can be a bit shy and quite unfurtunatelly but then if everything is going ok then i open up, so as you see i am worried that if guys she me shy and all they wont bother talking to me....:mad: