The Student Room Group
Yeh I met the requirements for BA Geog at Soton. & they are taking people through clearing. hummm...
Reply 2
I couldnt believe that! i was going to put it as my first choice originally but got put off by the grades the were asking... seems i wasn't the only one! Theyre letting people in for BBC in clearing for BA geog! i'm not sure if i should try to get released from my first choice and get back to s'ton now :confused:
Reply 3
Me me me! I'm geography - BA.

Was offered ABB.. A in Geog. But something went terribly wrong and I got AAC... C in Geog... :redface: Yet I'm still allowed in. Slightly confused, but by the sounds of it they were under subscribed. And there was me thinking they thought I was special....
I got in for BSC Goegraphy.
Where did you find out they were letting in students through clearing?

Making my first post here

Got in to do BA Geography with BBC, but I was 13 marks in total away from AAC so thats why they let me in I guess. I was offered ABB.
Reply 6
They were advertising clearing spaces in geography (BA & BSC) in the clearing lists in newspapers last week and on their website, with minimum grades required of BBC! Seems all places have been filled now - i can only guess it was because people were put off/made nowhere near offers of AAB etc