The Student Room Group

A Level Results and Local Newspapers

As I understand it, Local Newspapers release the reults of each a level student, up until now I've never paid much attention to the fact until at some point during the over-night house party someone mentioned that they were not looking forward to seeing the results in the paper next thursday.

What kind of format are the results released in?
student name,
institute, and
number of each grade acheived

the grades and the subject you acheived them for.

Also, how come this information can be just given out publicly, regardless of the actual student's wishes? Can you opt to not be included in the listing?

Thank you for your help,
Reply 1
Well in our local paper all it says is your name and the number of A Levels you have got. But it could be different for different papers

Has anyone else made the front cover??
Are you serious :eek: :mad:
Reply 3
You're kidding me right? They actually publish every student's results in the papers? Whatever for? And surely there's some kind of an opt-out system in place?
Reply 4
I might phone up my local paper, becuase so far I havent opened my results hehe. I know I've luckily acheived what I had to do to get in at University of Leicester but as I spent alot of the time I should have been studying on other pursuits, I decided not to open my results if I didnt have to, as I kinda feel ashamed in the way I committed towards my a levels over the last two years. But hey, luckily I did enough!

So Im trying to see how long I can go without opening my results, as for my own desire to know, I really haven't gone anywhere near them since I got the envelope and hid them away in case the family get nosey :tongue:

As for the newspaper question....any more input on this one? Thanks Katykt77 for the reply

I know I havent made any front covers but definately had three photos taken lol :tongue:
Reply 5
Ergh that's so pretentious. I'm glad I live in London.
Reply 6
I might phone up my local paper, becuase so far I havent opened my results hehe. I know I've luckily acheived what I had to do to get in at University of Leicester but as I spent alot of the time I should have been studying on other pursuits, I decided not to open my results if I didnt have to, as I kinda feel ashamed in the way I committed towards my a levels over the last two years. But hey, luckily I did enough!

So Im trying to see how long I can go without opening my results, as for my own desire to know, I really haven't gone anywhere near them since I got the envelope and hid them away in case the family get nosey :tongue:

As for the newspaper question....any more input on this one? Thanks Katykt77 for the reply

I know I havent made any front covers but definately had three photos taken lol :tongue:

What self control!! I'm impressed. I would have never been able to wait this long before opening them. You could ring up the newspaper to see what they put in. They don't put the results in my local paper till next Friday, so I'm safe till then.

ASDuley did you not get your GCSE's put in the paper??
Reply 7
they might do it if you are good
Reply 8
on second thought they may not
Reply 9
For GCSE's becuase there were so many candidates and and parts to the information they just printed how many above grade C subjects people acheived. But for A level I'd rather have mine on a need-to-know basis.