The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The grade requirements are indeed AAA. However, I was predicted AAB, but still got an offer. I actually did get AAA yesterday though.
Reply 2
ooo ok so i need to do some hard work this year then!!
well done on your results!!!!
Yea lots of unis say first sitting ont they, i reckon you should look up on their website / their prospectus and stuff and find out. I can imagine that Cardiff is a good law school but suffers from fewer applications PURELY because it is in wales, they may be totally wrong and if so then i apologise, and therefore it may be slightly easier to obtain an offer, even if it is to the AAA standard (i mean than say manchester/bristol etc who are all extremely popular)
Cardiff is a horrible place to live. The law course is great. Do not be swayed by the league table since it's not accurate. I mean students dropping out last year does not mean the teaching quality sucks. I wouldn't go to Wales to study... Chances for employment are low in England if you study in Wales. Especially if you plan to be a Barrister in London after studying at Cardiff... Chances = 0.00000001. Need I say more?
Reply 5
Cardiff is a horrible place to live. The law course is great. Do not be swayed by the league table since it's not accurate. I mean students dropping out last year does not mean the teaching quality sucks. I wouldn't go to Wales to study... Chances for employment are low in England if you study in Wales. Especially if you plan to be a Barrister in London after studying at Cardiff... Chances = 0.00000001. Need I say more?

What's wrong with living in Cardiff? Everyone I know likes it! :wink:
Reply 6
Especially if you plan to be a Barrister in London after studying at Cardiff... Chances = 0.00000001. Need I say more?

You, my friend, speak absolute crap.
Reply 7
Especially if you plan to be a Barrister in London after studying at Cardiff... Chances = 0.00000001. Need I say more?

because its soo easy to be a Barrister in London anyway. Face it the chances are slim wherever you go. Just because you have an Oxbridge degree doesnt get you the place, just because you have a 1st doesnt get you the job. There are far more important factors which affect what you achieve in life, and to attribute what i presume to be for you a failure in becoming a Barrister in London to going to Cardiff university shows to me why you are not a Barrister in London!