Im paranoid...and I can't help it!
It bugs me...everything I do I suspect people are out to get me, I always think people have hidden agendas and there are deeper reasons behind things.
It means im over-analytical...and make too much of situations.
Its getting inbetween me and my girlfriend now...she does the slightest little thing, and i'll take it personally. Say for example, we're holding hands in town, and she'll take her hand away to like, scratch or something, then she doesn't put it back in my hand, i'll think thats because she doesn't want to be holding hands with me. Then it will get to me, i'll ask her about it and she'll say she didn't notice doing it. And I want to believe her, I really do, but deep down something says that there is something beneath it.
I trust her with all my heart, I know she'd never do anything behind my back or anything, and I trust her when she says she loves me but I find myself being really paranoid about little things.
Anyone else like any advice for dealing with it? Its bugging my girlfriend now and its bugging me too...I need to change it!