The Student Room Group
My friend's boyfriend started Uni over a year ago and they're still ok! It's all a matter of keeping in touch all the time. But I guess if it's quite a new relationship it will be tested by this.
It really depends what you want. You guys have only just started out, so there's less of a connection there, he's going off to uni where he'll be bombarded by a new life, new friends and everything, and you'll be at college with your own friends, with a boyfriend miles away who you can't just meet for a film at the weekend. Personally, I wouldn't cling to it. I'd say, if it was meant to be it'd happen later on, and to get on with just growing up. That said, if you want it to work, it probably will - both of you will just have to put some serious effort in.
Reply 3
yeh i no it woudl take some HUGE effort!
He said he would be prepared to come down from uni alot... but we will see what happens

Reply 4
I've only just started going out with my bf an he is off to uni (about 4/5 hours away) in a month. I'm still in collage so will be staying put.
Just wondering how other people have coped with this?
I know it will be hard!
Sorry if there have been previous threads on this


Wow you're in exactly the same situation as I was last year. I got with my boyfriend on results day then he buggered off to Birmingham uni whilst I started year 13. It was hard at first because it was the beginning of the relationship but as long as you have trust it'll be fine. I went to visit about once every 6/8 weeks which was fun because it gave me a good chance to get away and do fun things together! We saw each other every 3 or 4 weeks and as long as you talk lots (free phone calls always come in handy!) you'll be fine, and the wait is generally always worth it. Good luck tho!

EDIT: Just for the record, we made it all the way through his first year, so it was definitely possible.
Reply 5
Me and my boyfriend had a rocky patch at the beginning of our relationship and thus split up for 5 months...we eventually got back together in a November whilst he was in his first year at Manchester University so we were apart for a whole year and we got together during the time we were apart.

In my first year I moved to Manchester, so I saw him more, in my second year I actually lived with him. Now he has a placement in Oxford so yet again he is 3 hours away from me...not much really when you think but apart all the same...

Thing is, it works, you make sure that you both use your free minutes, use MSN messenger....cause it's free! 3 years down the line we are still together and it's still great =) and that's with 2 years spent in different counties.
sounds like your more worried about him shagging around than staying together because to stay together it about communication which isn't too difficult
Reply 7
I'm in a similar situation kindof. My boyfriend lives 40ish miles south from me and at the moment it's fine. He works near kings cross and can get a 40 min train to see me after work so we are strong at the moment. However I'm moving 200 miles north so the distance between us will be huge however we are planning to make sure it works by regulary keeping in contact (at least daily on the phone etc, every other weekend he will come up on a friday and go home on the monday morning. Hopefully this will work. Whenever my parents come up to see me he will come up with them and when I go home he will come and see me. I'm also planning to go away with him at christmas so will spend all that time with him :smile:

If somethings ment to be it will :smile: it will work out just fine even if at times it seems hard :smile:
If you want it to work it can if you work at it and truely love each other, there are stories where people have survived uni being together.
My BF has been at uni for 2 years and we are still together, but saying that, we were together a year and a half before he went to uni, so we had made a bond and were close. It's going to be more difficult if you have only been together a little while.
Reply 10
I've only just started going out with my bf an he is off to uni (about 4/5 hours away) in a month. I'm still in collage so will be staying put.
Just wondering how other people have coped with this?
I know it will be hard!
Sorry if there have been previous threads on this


Yes, there have

Off you trot to there, read what I and others have to say, and we can keep all these discussions in one place.