The Student Room Group

Bloke giving me his number

I'm a bloke and i was ridiculously drunk last night. I remmber going to a bar and this bloke just started chatting with us. I think I may have challenged him to a drinking fight and i obviously won. Then all of a sudden he wanted my number. I'm drunk so i gave him my number and he insisted giving his number to me. What should I do? Do you guys think its weird some stranger texting you if you want to go out? (PS i am considering texting him because all of my mates and drinking buddies are on holiday)

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Reply 1
TBH mate, he MAY be gay. Not saying he is, just that is what I assume.

But it's up to you I guess. If you do go out with him take a couple mates along for safety.
Reply 2
Reading that I assumed the guy chatting to you was gay :s-smilie:

It's up to you, depends how he gave it to you lol. But be weary!
Reply 3
I wish stuff like that happened to me!!!! never get interest from guys lol :frown:
Reply 4
are you yourself gay?
Reply 5
I really don't think he is gay. But i mean to you guys personally, is this a weird occurence?

and is it weirder if i text him coz i really want to go out but i dn't want to be a loner.
Reply 6
I really don't think he is gay. But i mean to you guys personally, is this a weird occurence?

and is it weirder if i text him coz i really want to go out but i dn't want to be a loner.

Just don't let him get the wrong idea if your not interested in him that way, even if he is gay.
Reply 7
By all means go out if you want, just don't let each other get the wrong idea. Be quite open from the onset:smile:
Reply 8
not gay myself.

i got a plan. im definitely going out with my other mate then probably text this bloke if he want to come with us and tell him i'll try to get one of my lady friends(which he know) to give him the message. is that any good?
Reply 9 long as its not weird...i mean my other question is do you guys think its a bit weird or dodgy for a stranger to text you and ask you to go out?
Reply 10
Anonymous long as its not weird...i mean my other question is do you guys think its a bit weird or dodgy for a stranger to text you and ask you to go out?

sounds like a come on personally
Reply 11
Maybe he just wants friend! I say, text him.
There's no problem if it's just mates, I have made friends whilst out drinking and then swapped numbers in the hope of meeting up - and I'm talking about females. But obviously when it's guys it's slightly different lol he may be gay.. so it may be good to try and work that out first. If he's not gay then go ahead there's no problem with it? You just don't want to be leading him on and have him thinking you're interested in him... you were drunk when you met him, who knows you may have been flirting with him :P
Technically you aren't a stranger, if he gave you his number then what is the problem?
Reply 14
see that's why i don't want to necessarily text him coz he might think im coming on to him.

flirting with him? doubt it. let's just say i was slurring myw ords talking to him and kept on falling over. i don't even know how we started talking. all i remember is him giving me his number and me putting my mobile in his phone..which is errr a bit weird.
oh jesus so the guy may be gay who gives a toss?

if he texts you go out for a few drinks just make sure he knows your straight
Reply 16
I'm ot really bothered about that. What i am bothered of is whatif i text him to go out and he thinks i am gay and weird, that is the bigger problem.
imo i think it sounds like he was coming onto you. maybe u sort out some plans with ur other mate then give this guy a call (NOT A TEXT) and see if he wants to come along. dont text because he mite interpret it in a way you didnt intend to happen.
If you do go out with him take a couple mates along for safety.

You've got some seriously messed up ideas if you think you need people to protect you if you meet a gay man. You do realise you're implying that, solely on the basis of him possibly being gay, he's likely to attempt rape, don't you? Do you think before you post?

Reply 19
Chumb why did you neg rep me for that? I would say the same ****ing thing to a guy meeting up with a straight woman. So because the guy is gay you expect me to avoid any 'safety' issues. Please get real and don't be so sensetive about your own sexuality.
