The Student Room Group

Depression and the 'pill'

When ever I use the contraceptive pill I feel awful- really mopsy all the time and quite dull generally! For example- I passed my A levels yesterday and am now accepted onto the course of my dreams at my 1st choice uni... am I happy??? Well...sort of, I mean I was relieved and jumped around a bit but overall my reaction was a bit 'meh' really! I did put this down to a couple of arguments etc at home and general tiredness but I'm starting to think now that I'd normally cope much better than this and I would definitely be more high spirited! The only thing different is that a week ago I started the pill again after a years break- and I remember feeling like this last time I was on it!

Not really sure where I'm going with this post, I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences with the pill and if anyone has any advice?? I'll probably stop taking it- its not as if there are no other forms of contraception but its a pain!

Thankyou for reading :biggrin: Ni
I'd go to the doctors about it and maybe change the pill
I'd agree; its recognised that different types of the pill have different side effects for different people. If you remember feeling like this the first time round then it seems it could well be the pill. Your doctor can go through the various other types of pill (and maybe other contraception options) with you to find the best one for you.
Good luck, and congrats on your results and course:smile:
Reply 3
thankyou!! I'll give a different type a try :biggrin: