The Student Room Group

BCL - worries and conditions

Hi to all,

I have recently been accepted to the BCL at Oxford, and to my first choice college. I am at a Uni in London, and am in the final year of my LLB.

Basically my questions are as follows:

1. What are the academic conditions for the BCL (I have not got this yet, though I have a confirmed offer, and I have offers from the LLms at LSE and Cambridge)

2. I have some anxiety about whether or not I will have the requisite ability for the course. I have done very well at LLB level, and have come top in a few things in the Uni, but I would really like to hear from anyone who has done or is doing the BCL, or even about to do it, and whether my worries are commonly held.

Thanks so much to you all
Reply 1
Hi to all,

I have recently been accepted to the BCL at Oxford, and to my first choice college. I am at a Uni in London, and am in the final year of my LLB.

Basically my questions are as follows:

1. What are the academic conditions for the BCL (I have not got this yet, though I have a confirmed offer, and I have offers from the LLms at LSE and Cambridge)

2. I have some anxiety about whether or not I will have the requisite ability for the course. I have done very well at LLB level, and have come top in a few things in the Uni, but I would really like to hear from anyone who has done or is doing the BCL, or even about to do it, and whether my worries are commonly held.

Thanks so much to you all

Firstly well done on the offer. From what I know, I think the offer will be for a first class honours, I doubt they will specify anything else (i.e. dissertation mark or anything). I know sometimes Cambridge ask for a particular average over your final year, this can be pretty difficult, and for some people it's even more difficult than getting an overall first (I think usually the a/v is 67 or thereabouts).

It's regarded as a very difficult degree course, the standards will be exceptionally high simply because they've taken in such first rate students. However, what you must remember is that a very large number of people have been rejected for this course, you have been accepted, i.e. they had a great deal of choice, and they went for your application. There must be a set of good reasons as to why they did this. I think that answers your second question:smile:
Reply 2
Thanks so much - your post is a big help

Cambridge have given me a 67% offer - and you are right, - getting a 1st should be easier for me - basically I need only 1/2 one this year to get it, while one bad exam could mean 67% is out.

As to my second point, thanks for the encouragement; I suppose it helps, though I will keep worrying until I actually (hopefully) start the course.

Anyway, thanks again!!!!
Reply 3
Thanks so much - your post is a big help

Cambridge have given me a 67% offer - and you are right, - getting a 1st should be easier for me - basically I need only 1/2 one this year to get it, while one bad exam could mean 67% is out.

As to my second point, thanks for the encouragement; I suppose it helps, though I will keep worrying until I actually (hopefully) start the course.

Anyway, thanks again!!!!

You're welcome! So, do let me know what they offer you. What college have you opted for? I think you're worrying for absolutely no reason, they certainly wouldn't offer a place to somebody without the academic potential to be able to succeed on the course. At undergraduate level this is rare, although it does happen - at graduate level for a course like the BCL, it's very highly unlikely. At this level you can identify academic ability quite easily, the undergraduate degree with a breakdown of your marks during the entire 3/4 years is a far better indicator than the A levels and interview combo.

Best of luck.
Reply 4
Again - thanks for the encouragement - I think that it is probably like this for many comming into the BCL - cosnidering it draws people from all round the globe...

I have opted for ChCh... Central, prestige, and size... also near to pembroke which is where Prentice is I think?

Also can't wait to lear from Birks ... thats the main reason I have applied...

Can I ask whether you do law at Oxford? Be great to get some insight - especially from an insider ...

THanks again! :biggrin:
Reply 5
Again - thanks for the encouragement - I think that it is probably like this for many comming into the BCL - cosnidering it draws people from all round the globe...

I have opted for ChCh... Central, prestige, and size... also near to pembroke which is where Prentice is I think?

Also can't wait to lear from Birks ... thats the main reason I have applied...

Can I ask whether you do law at Oxford? Be great to get some insight - especially from an insider ...

THanks again! :biggrin:

Ahh yes, it's just the rep. of Oxford and many of its courses. Oh and no, I'm not an Oxford lawyer, although I may well be at the uni later this year. If so, I'll be at Worcester, 'reading' Development, and then to move onto the Pol/IR DPhil. The decision is between Oxford and the 'other one', if I go for the former, I'll see you around:smile: I just know about Law due to my dear g/f being a legal eagle.