The Student Room Group

Why do I get the clingy ones?

Basically I feel like ranting, so here it goes
I have a boyfriend of two years, he's perfect and I love him. Last night one of his closest friends betrayed him, he dragged me outside of a pub and basically told me he loves me, can't get over me, dump my bf for him bull****. I'm absolutly fuming with him, I knew he used to like me and there is history there but seriously there was absolutly no need. I got so angry at him I cried. I daren't tell my boyfriend, I hate to know how he'd react, basically but he's going to think it strange that I've suddenly cut all ties with this guy. I refuse to talk to him again...ever, because he was so unfair. Then again I feel my bf deserves to know how much of an arsehole this friend is.

THEN, someone my bf hates with a passion tried to kiss me...he confessed he liked me for years. I need an arsehole repellent, I really do. I have to have the sleaziest, most clingy admirer.
Infact I doubt I can say there is any admiration in the second case...I think it was just this sleazy guys method of pissing my bf off.

Posted anonymous cos one of the aresholes posts here
Reply 1
i think they might be able to gues who they are from that story? (that makes it sound like it was me :rofl:)
Reply 2
i think they might be able to gues who they are from that story? (that makes it sound like it was me :rofl:)

We don't care. The anon feature is there for a reason.

To the OP - I think your boyfriend deserves to know about this. But make sure he knows you handled the situation and you don't want him doing anything stupid to anyone. Otherwise it'll come up when he realises you don't want to see this guy.
Reply 3
I think you should definitely tell your bf. You didn't do anything wrong, quite the opposite. Your bf will be proud of you for sticking up to these guys and defending your relationship. He will also be glad that you trusted him so much.
Reply 4
Tell your bf. He should understand.
Reply 5
Basically I feel like ranting, so here it goes
I have a boyfriend of two years, he's perfect and I love him. Last night one of his closest friends betrayed him, he dragged me outside of a pub and basically told me he loves me, can't get over me, dump my bf for him bull****. I'm absolutly fuming with him, I knew he used to like me and there is history there but seriously there was absolutly no need. I got so angry at him I cried. I daren't tell my boyfriend, I hate to know how he'd react, basically but he's going to think it strange that I've suddenly cut all ties with this guy. I refuse to talk to him again...ever, because he was so unfair. Then again I feel my bf deserves to know how much of an arsehole this friend is.

THEN, someone my bf hates with a passion tried to kiss me...he confessed he liked me for years. I need an arsehole repellent, I really do. I have to have the sleaziest, most clingy admirer.
Infact I doubt I can say there is any admiration in the second case...I think it was just this sleazy guys method of pissing my bf off.

Posted anonymous cos one of the aresholes posts here

I'd tell your boyfriend if I were you. Better he finds out from you than somebody else telling him otehr gusy are hitting on you. Just make sure to complain loudly that they don't just accept that you have no intentions of leaving him so he doesn't feel threatened.
Reply 6
i always tell my bf when something like this happens... otherwise it feels like you're keeping it secret for a reason which seems a bit suspicious

he should respect however you want to react to these guys

lou xxx
Reply 7
Arsehole reppellent, I'd get some.... but only if it was buy one get one free..
Reply 8
you women do seem to have a tendency to over-react to things like like this and it's a bit odd really. Sure you should tell your boyfriend, but I don't know what all this anger is about, with you being furious and refusing to speak to him ever again? All he did was express his feelings for you, i'm sure he had his reasons and all you had to do was say you are not interested and carry on as normal. I don't know why you are so angry with the first guy. He has a right to express his feelings and you should be able to accept that he likes you and move on. How is what he did unfair. It might not be a good thing to do to a friend but sometimes you have to take a risk. You should perhaps feel sorry for him, have some pity, but anger seems a bit extreme and selfish.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.
Reply 9
you women do seem to have a tendency to over-react to things like like this and it's a bit odd really. Sure you should tell your boyfriend, but I don't know what all this anger is about, with you being furious and refusing to speak to him ever again? All he did was express his feelings for you, i'm sure he had his reasons and all you had to do was say you are not interested and carry on as normal. I know why you are so angry with the first guy. He has a right to express his feelings and you should be able to accept that he likes you and move on. How is what he did unfair. It might not be a good thing to do to a friend but sometimes you have to take a risk. You should perhaps feel sorry for him, have some pity, but anger seems a bit extreme selfish.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.

totally agree. i've had a couple of close friends who've tried it on (usually within the early stages of our friendship) and we've managed to move on from it with no problems. you just have to make sure they know where they stand with you and that they can't keep trying stuff on. these guys have usually gone on to be really good friends...

lou xxx
Reply 10
you women do seem to have a tendency to over-react to things like like this and it's a bit odd really. Sure you should tell your boyfriend, but I don't know what all this anger is about, with you being furious and refusing to speak to him ever again? All he did was express his feelings for you, i'm sure he had his reasons and all you had to do was say you are not interested and carry on as normal. I don't know why you are so angry with the first guy. He has a right to express his feelings and you should be able to accept that he likes you and move on. How is what he did unfair. It might not be a good thing to do to a friend but sometimes you have to take a risk. You should perhaps feel sorry for him, have some pity, but anger seems a bit extreme and selfish.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.

I think the point is that the first guy is her bf's best friend and yet betrayed him by telling her to dump her bf etc. She's probably angry because she's protective of her bf and this will obviously hurt him, and her bf probably trusted this guy.

Although in any case, such anger is probably not worth it. Like you say, OP, they're idiots and not worth you stressing over like this. Tell your bf - if you think this friend of his is not a good friend, especially, then you should tell your bf all the more so he doesn't trust the wrong person. In a way, that friend should've told your bf that he likes you. That way, feelings are expressed and no trust broken.
Reply 11
Would you tell us if one of the arseholes posts on here to give you advice, not realising he is infact the subject of your dilemma?
If you were a decent gf, you'd tell your man. Have you ever thought that you might be very attractive. could've just been some drunken antics, who knows.