Basically I feel like ranting, so here it goes
I have a boyfriend of two years, he's perfect and I love him. Last night one of his closest friends betrayed him, he dragged me outside of a pub and basically told me he loves me, can't get over me, dump my bf for him bull****. I'm absolutly fuming with him, I knew he used to like me and there is history there but seriously there was absolutly no need. I got so angry at him I cried. I daren't tell my boyfriend, I hate to know how he'd react, basically but he's going to think it strange that I've suddenly cut all ties with this guy. I refuse to talk to him again...ever, because he was so unfair. Then again I feel my bf deserves to know how much of an arsehole this friend is.
THEN, someone my bf hates with a passion tried to kiss me...he confessed he liked me for years. I need an arsehole repellent, I really do. I have to have the sleaziest, most clingy admirer.
Infact I doubt I can say there is any admiration in the second case...I think it was just this sleazy guys method of pissing my bf off.
Posted anonymous cos one of the aresholes posts here