The Student Room Group

Loughborough Term Dates: September 2006 - June 2009...

Saw this and thought it might be helful...could it made a stickey or something...

Academic Year 2006 - 2007

Semester One: 2 October 2006 9 February 2007

Semester Two: 12 February 2007 22 June 2007

Autumn Term: Monday 2 October Friday 15 December 2006

Spring Term: Monday 15 January Friday 23 March 2007

Summer Term: Monday 23 April Friday 22 June 2007

Christmas/New Year 2006/2007: Monday 25 December 2006 to Tuesday 2 January 2007 inclusive

Academic Year 2007 - 2008 (Leap Year)

Semester One: 1 October 2007 8 February 2008

Semester Two: 11 February 2008 20 June 2008

Autumn Term: Monday 1 October Friday 14 December 2007

Spring Term: Monday 14 January Friday 14 March 2008

Summer Term: Monday 14 April Friday 20 June 2008

Academic Year 2008 - 2009

Semester One: 29 September 2008 6 February 2009

Semester Two: 9 February 2009 19 June 2009

Autumn Term: Monday 29 September Friday 12 December 2008

Spring Term: Monday 12 January Friday 27 March 2009

Summer Term: Monday 27 April Friday 19 June 2009

Reply 1
Ohhh didn't know it was a leap year! You get nice big wall planner and termly calendars when you get hear, so you can keep track of the dates then :smile:

Reply 2
No need to sticky it it'll all be on the Loughborough website. if we get any more stickies we won't have room for normal threads haha. But thanks for the info, very useful!
Reply 3
According to the online Registration Guide and calender...the autumn term finishes on the 15th all halls have to move out for Xmas...or is it only some? If so, which ones..?
Reply 4
most halls dont have to move out, i think its only cayley, but most ppl go home, but u can leave ur stuff there
Reply 5
Original post by G&#949
According to the online Registration Guide and calender...the autumn term finishes on the 15th all halls have to move out for Xmas...or is it only some? If so, which ones..?

From what I've read, only Cayley have to clear out. Everyone else can stay.

When term ends and when the halls kick out are two different things. Halls will, at worst, kick out one or two days later - like at Easter (for catered halls). At summer, you may get up to a whole week to stay.
Reply 6
Cheerz guys...just gotta sort out my work transfer...and needed to know when I will be back at my local store back home... :smile:
we had to move out of dc last year but i dont know how theyre doin it now. also you can leave your stuff in your room over christmas for £50
Does anyone know when we get our timetables for the second year. I know we start back on the 2nd, but have to register on the 1st... but thinking back to last year we got given timetables on our induction day, on the fridays before.

Thanks :smile:
Reply 9
I persume you either get an e-mail or have a look around on the learn server!
