The Student Room Group
Reply 1
oh man - sounds sooo painfull!
Reply 2
its not really bad enough for hospital, plus the nearest 24hour hospital is about 15 miles away
oh, please guys!

I'm in bed now, but omfg does it hurt when i put the slightest weight on it :frown:
Reply 5
take some painkillers or something in the morning maybe to ease the pain.
Reply 6
Go see your GP. You need to. It's only going to get worse, it needs proper treatment. Get your doctor to write a perscription for some disinfectant, or if you're really strapped for time (and I mean seriously, if at all possible go to the doctor about it), buy some from a pharmasist.

In the mean time, try and keep it clean. Bathing your foot in warm, salty water is supposed to help. Also avoid putting any weight on it, although you could probably figure that out yourself. :P