Hi, lol, i just replied to your thread about pharmacy running in families.
I havn't finished my A Levels, i had to drop out of college before i could finish all my A levels because i was unwell. I got Bs and Cs in my chemisrty modules, so i was averaging a C in my A level. I did get my Bio A level though but i missed a paper and only got a C.
Anyway, i'm starting an access course in september and hoping to get into uni with that.
But i was worried about the chemistry content of the course. You're right, i didnt find it enjoyable, so i probably shouldnt study it, but the course was in the area i would want to work and it would please my famly.
My anxieties are around illness, I get anxious when i learn about illness and i tend to apply them to myself and family when i get unwell. So thats why i i'm cautious about going into healthcare. I am ok to be around people, actually i really enjoy it.
I have considered biomed but i dont think i would like to be in a lab all the time.
Thank you for your advice.