The Student Room Group

Too Disimilar?

Ok, so i've been seeing a guy for just over a month now, and its been official for around a week and a half.

I like him a lot, and when we are together I get the impression he likes me a lot too! Always hugging and kissing and whatnot.

However when we are not together he takes ages to reply to texts, and rarely answers his phone if I ring, so I end up getting all paranoid and thinks he doesnt like me, when in the end he always texts back or rings or whatever.

But it drives me mad. I'm really open with him and he's obviously just quite a private and quiet person. I'm always telling him my plans and what i'm up to, but I just found out he's going to some massive party tonight with his mates and he didnt tell me.

I dont mind him going to the party at all, but it kinda upsets me that he doesnt share things with me, you know, just let me know what he's up to some of the time.

When i'm with him things are fine, but when i'm not i'm constantly torturing myself about it - thinking he doesnt like me, or that i'm pissing him off and he just wishes i'd leave him alone :frown: which obviously makes me feel rubbish (even though he's probably not thinking these things!!)

the basic gist i guess is that I think I like him more than he likes me - even though we are going out - and I don't know if I can deal with this.

Part of me is thinking he'll just take time to open up and stuff, but part of me also realises this is who he is... but if this is who he is and its actuallydriving me insane, surely thats not a great recipe for sucess??

any advice?

i know its me with the problem not him btw, i trust him and dont think he hides things or anything, so thats not an issue, i guess its just my insane paranoia really..


When i'm with him things are fine, but when i'm not i'm constantly torturing myself about it - thinking he doesnt like me, or that i'm pissing him off and he just wishes i'd leave him alone :frown: which obviously makes me feel rubbish (even though he's probably not thinking these things!!)

Indeed. Perhaps try telling him all of this instead of us and you may be surprised to hear how he's actually feeling.
i have the same prob sometimes, worrying when i send him texts that he'll just get pissed off, coz he takes a while to text back too. and i have to ask him qus rather than him just spontaneously tell me about things that're going onj in his life. but then i ask him about it, and he reassures me that he loves getting the messages, even if he doesnt text back, and is happy to answer qus i ask but he doesnt wanna bore me with his life details otherwise. just talk to him and ask him how he feels. You havent been together long, so it may take some time for him to open up to you and stuff, dont worry about it