Few marks off an A in Music AS, not keeping it on to A2 - would just like to get those few extra marks for an A! Is it possible to choose just to retake the performance module? Already got an A in that but it was a low one, but I'd rather retake that (as all I'd need to do is play my piece again but just brush up on it a bit to make it a little more polished) than redo my bad module (composing) or retake the written exam, which I got an A in. Is this possible?
AQA! I did the AS a year before but got crap exam and composing marks but they wouldn't let me keep the performance mark or anything and I had to decline it all - I dunno if that was 'coz you couldn't pick and choose what to retake or just because my overall grade was so bad it was better to start from fresh? Do I need to decline that module or something??
Just redoing the performance seems too simple so I thought there must be a catch!?! Hehe what exam board did you do?
Hmm strange, perhaps it is different for Music, but for other exam boards I was allowed to just retake a module, I didn't have to decline grades or anything.
You can't decline one module as far as I know, you have to decline the whole AS grade, but you can keep the whole lot but just retake one exam. So say you kept your AS grade and re took performance and it was better than your current performance mark, then the best mark would be taken into account when calculating your grade. They'd forget about the other one.
As I said though, I'm not really sure on this, as it's not something I've looked into and it might well be different for Music. Fletch might know! Have you talked to your teacher about it?
Thanks! I'll email my teacher about it and see what she thinks! She'll probably bully me into taking it for A2 though if I even discuss my grade with her lol! So decline the entire grade and retake the recital, but I keep the other ones...does that mean that I can't put the grade on my UCAS form though? Well I'll ask my teacher about it, just glad it's possible to do! Thanks again.
Thanks for the confidence, Sexysax; I don't really know about AQA but at the moment all A levels are 6 modules (3 at AS and 3 at A2) each of which can be redone. Probably have to wait 'till May/June 2007 tho'. If any of your modules are at the top end of a mark band, it might be worth risking a remark.
Thankyou all for your replies! Wow soph that's a bit of an increase!
Hmm, a retake? I got AAC in my modules with the C (59/90 - I think that's 4 UMS short of a B for that module) in composition. The written paper was a strong-ish A (103/120) and the performance was a low A (72/90). I knew I hadn't done all that well in composition but my teacher said my work would be at least worth a B. Would that be worth a remark, do you think another 4 UMS could be found there? Or could they mark me down?!
Thankyou all for your replies! Wow soph that's a bit of an increase!
Hmm, a retake? I got AAC in my modules with the C (59/90 - I think that's 4 UMS short of a B for that module) in composition. The written paper was a strong-ish A (103/120) and the performance was a low A (72/90). I knew I hadn't done all that well in composition but my teacher said my work would be at least worth a B. Would that be worth a remark, do you think another 4 UMS could be found there? Or could they mark me down?!
Thanks a lot for the advice all!
4 marks would take you to a B in that paper but you would need 6 to take your overall grade to A (total 240). Yes the mark could go down but since you are at the top of the B band, you are unlikely to drop to a C. If you are going to do A2, why not put your compo in again next year (polished up a bit)? You would have to sit the Compo Techniques again but it means you can take whichever is the better mark.