The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I would imagine it would be very competitive. Sports Science is what Loughborough is renowned for.
Reply 2
Alex Mann
I would imagine it would be very competitive. Sports Science is what Loughborough is renowned for.

it will be easier to get into sports science with maths than straight sports science. the offers are lower for starters for any joint honours course with sports science, compared with straight sports science
Reply 3
Yeah definitely. But still very competitive. That said, if you do actually want to do Maths and that comes across in your PS then it will help as I imagine a lot of people just apply for the Sports element to give themselves a better chance.
Reply 4
Alex Mann
Yeah definitely. But still very competitive. That said, if you do actually want to do Maths and that comes across in your PS then it will help as I imagine a lot of people just apply for the Sports element to give themselves a better chance.

Yeah its definitely a way into sports science at Loughborough without getting AAA, and you need to emphasise the other subject in your personal statement so that Loughborough doesnt think youre just applying for it as you want to do sports science and cant get the grades.
Reply 5
But wouldn't it look weird that, I am mentioning maths in my statement, to courses say Birmingham for Sport and exercise Science?
Reply 6
Yes it would. But then, why are you applying for combined at Loughborough and not Birmingham? Because to the same token, Loughborough would think it weird you are applying for a Maths course without mentioning Maths.
Reply 7
Yeh I guess it's one of those all-or-nothing type situation then?

What's your opinion?
Reply 8
I would try and be clever about it. Make Sports Science the subject of your PS, but try and slip in that Maths was your favourite subject at College, that you enjoy the challenge of it and that the subject suits your logical mind. Something like that.

Try posting the situation in the 'PS Forum' too. I am one of the helpers on the forum, but there are some other who might know a bit more!
Reply 9
A lot of people at my sixth form, when applying to joint honours at some Unis but not all of them.... say applying to Sports Science & Maths, they did something like this:

My Alevel choices relate to the course i want to because, PE blah blah, Biology blah blah, Maths blah blah.... blah blah blah!

Lol! For the subject that was the 'other subject' they wrote more about so for the Unis it was related to could see that it was a subject of interest, but the others wouldn't really read too much into it!

... If all that made any sense at all!!

Reply 10
It does, but at the same time you need to say in your statement why you want to study a subject at Uni (i.e. what about the course itself itnerests you) and why you would like a degree in that subject. At least, it's recommended. So just saying what you studied at A level isn't going to cover that.
I was going with the assumption that the OP would of already put 'i would like to do sports science etc etc' as that is pretty standard practice for a PS! Saying that i just wrote about the industry and my experience in it rather than the actual subject... lol... i really do wonder about me sometimes!

All in all, listen to Alex :smile:

Reply 12
I was going with the assumption that the OP would of already put 'i would like to do sports science etc etc' as that is pretty standard practice for a PS! Saying that i just wrote about the industry and my experience in it rather than the actual subject... lol... i really do wonder about me sometimes!

All in all, listen to Alex :smile:


Aww. :tee: :tongue:layingba
Reply 13
A lot of people at my sixth form, when applying to joint honours at some Unis but not all of them.... say applying to Sports Science & Maths, they did something like this:

My Alevel choices relate to the course i want to because, PE blah blah, Biology blah blah, Maths blah blah.... blah blah blah!

Lol! For the subject that was the 'other subject' they wrote more about so for the Unis it was related to could see that it was a subject of interest, but the others wouldn't really read too much into it!

... If all that made any sense at all!!


Thats what i did. I applied for Sport and Exercise Science at every uni and then at Loughborough i did sport and exercise science and sports science with management. I just slipped something in about management, but if i had chosen maths or psychology instead then i would have just mentioned them briefly in terms of studying it at school and enjoying it.
Which other universities offer this course apart from Birmingham?
Original post by cashmoneyorg

Original post by cashmoneyorg
Which other universities offer this course apart from Birmingham?

Well obviously loughborough. Seeing as you're in the loughborough sub forum.
Why not use UCAS to find out?
Original post by rorydaredking
Well obviously loughborough. Seeing as you're in the loughborough sub forum.
Why not use UCAS to find out?

I did found just under 10 that offer it thanks

getting used to using ucas
Also this thread was posted over five years ago :wink: