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should ones happiness count for something?

well i have a dilemma, im not going to go into details but, my life is major screwed up and i feel so down. the only way to get out of how im feeling is to talk to this person. but talking to him will cause further problems for him and i cant do that to him.
so should i bottle it up inside to not cause problems for him or should my happiness count for something and do someothing about it?
i do not want to get him into trouble so im prepared to keep it inside but thatll drive me down. or should my happiness count for something?
Reply 1
er well not knowing what youre on about doesnt help :confused:
but maybe you should talk to someone else who does know the situation and see what they say
Give us some more clues? What is this dilemma?
Reply 3
well go to 'this is tearing me up inside' on page 3 of H+R
She means here:

Edit: Sort your head out and grow up. Or seek help. Teachers are not there for your personal happiness, they are there only to teach. Move on, find a lad your own age. No way should you be tearing up inside over a ruddy teacher.

Unless you're around 14.
Reply 5
Sam Beckett
She means here:

Edit: Sort your head out and grow up. Or seek help. Teachers are not there for your personal happiness, they are there only to teach. Move on, find a lad your own age. No way should you be tearing up inside over a ruddy teacher.

Unless you're around 14.

that doesnt really help, cos i cant move on, ive done everything i can and well i dont know what else to do.
Reply 6
not much you can do realy.
it would be best to just try and forget about it. theres nothing you can do, i dont know what you expect to happen.
then do nothing. if there is nothing else to do, try to forget the whole episode and find something new to obsess over (meant in the nicest way - i too obsess over things regularly, it is very distracting from everything else!!) because you are never going to make this right if you have already done wrong, and dragging it on longer by trying to do more will only make it worse.
He probably has his own family and children. Whatever feelings you have for him sound to me as though they are well outside the bounds of what a normal teacher-pupil relationship should consist of. Saying you "can't move on" sounds as though you are infatuated (even if you have managed to convince yourself he is a father figure only). He will not reciprocate your feelings but you do stand to lose a lot. Yes your happiness does count for something, but telling him will not bring you happiness - in fact it will most likely bring the opposite. The only thing I can advise is to snap out of it. The more you tell yourself you can't go on without him the more you will believe it; stop painting yourself as some tragic love heroine and grow up!
Reply 9
ok then but is there a chance things will go back to normal if i act normal and dont do anything out of the ordinary?
Yes. He will put it down to hormones and a silly teenage crush and you act as though you've grown up. He will probably feel a bit wary (with good reason) but he won't try to embarrass you. Don't expect anything more than the bare minimum of a teacher-pupil relationship though.

Look, I know it's tough, but this isn't a question of weighing your happiness against his - if you act on your feelings it will simply create a lot of unhappiness for you both.
Reply 11
do you if i prove to him that theres nothing to worry about like acting grown up, hell stop being wary...within time?
Reply 12
its hard to answer as it would depend on the individual more than anything and so its possible it may go either way. but dont forget hell have to act proffesional whichever happens
Reply 13
well ok ive decided to keep it to myself and not do anything about it. im just going to hope, hell be alright with me, and ill be on good terms with him before the end of yr13...
i just feel so terrible about what ive done...i want to apoligise to him...but that means bringing it up...
i just hope hell speak to me again...i wont do anything odd though...
do you if i prove to him that theres nothing to worry about like acting grown up, hell stop being wary...within time?

You need to reach a stage where you don't care... but then it won't matter to you so much.
ah i had a crush on a teacher once..
Yeah i used to have a crush on a teacher, hes fab but not in that way Lol!