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I'm going this year as well into Elvyn. There is rivalry between halls but not a bad kind of rivalry. You have to remember that Loughborough is above most things a sporting university and so competition etc is more important to people here than at most universities, and hall rivalry just keeps up the competitive spirit. You aren't going to get beat up for being in a certain hall and people won't avoid you/not talk to you for it. It's just friendly banter :smile:
Reply 2
Hello people, I start Loughborough in october 2006 studying Computer Science.

Whats with this hall rivalry? I've been looking around and it seems theres plenty of hall chants and insults flying about.
Do halls really hate each other? Is it passionate stuff like Man Utd - Arsenal e.t.c ? or just a soft, friendly kinda thing?

I'm gonna be in Rutherford btw

its all just friendly banter really, nothing to worry about, its just a bit of fun!
Reply 3
It's "worst" during freshers, as in after freshers it's not going to be like that again really! But it's all good fun :smile:

Reply 4
wooo im in rutherford too
Reply 5
never be on ur own, lol. it will be the worst 2 mins of ur life during freshers week especially during the union nites out.

halls will surround you and sing on ur own on ur own on ur own etc. that will be the most embarrising experience in your life. lol
Reply 6
Anyone who does that is just stupid. To chant something like that at someone during one of the most emotional weeks you'll ever have, is idiotic. And I will disown anyone I meet who starts doing it.
Reply 7
I'm going this year as well into Elvyn. There is rivalry between halls but not a bad kind of rivalry. You have to remember that Loughborough is above most things a sporting university and so competition etc is more important to people here than at most universities, and hall rivalry just keeps up the competitive spirit. You aren't going to get beat up for being in a certain hall and people won't avoid you/not talk to you for it. It's just friendly banter :smile:

100% right
100% right

as usual :biggrin:
Reply 9
Ah its all good!! Just banter
Alex Mann
Anyone who does that is just stupid. To chant something like that at someone during one of the most emotional weeks you'll ever have, is idiotic. And I will disown anyone I meet who starts doing it.

Personally, ill disown anyone who is that affected by friendly banter!!
Reply 11
There is hall banter, there is banter amongst friends and those who know each other, and then there is chanting stuff at someone who, in their first week away from home and my be struggling, taking the piss that they're on their own. I'm not against banter, but common sense sometimes please.
Reply 12
Yeah, its just for fun, and dies off come the third week.

Reply 13
Alex Mann
There is hall banter, there is banter amongst friends and those who know each other, and then there is chanting stuff at someone who, in their first week away from home and my be struggling, taking the piss that they're on their own. I'm not against banter, but common sense sometimes please.

I completly agree with Alex on this one there is really no need for it.
Reply 14
i do think maybe its not necessary to that extent, but its lufbra, thats what its like, one or two ppl wont change it, just live with it, its not meant in a harsh way, everyone just becomes very loyal to their halls, when i went to see my ex a week after freshers last yr the fire alarm went in the union and everyone went outside and 2 ppl randomly came up to him and his mate and started singing hall songs, wasnt meant in a nasty way and wasnt taken that way, was just a bit of fun u just have to realise that, if u start to take it in a bad way u will just get upset and angry when there is no need - just relax and enjoy urself!
Reply 15
It's not the hall songs Em lol, it's the "you're on your own!" stuff.
Reply 16
The banter is what it's all about. The joys of being out with the entirety of elvyn richards hall and seeing someone from another hall wearing their shirt proud... almost reduced to tears.

Only got carried away once at one of the halls footie matches - pitch invasion and a few punches thrown but nothing bad.
Reply 17
The banter is what it's all about. The joys of being out with the entirety of elvyn richards hall and seeing someone from another hall wearing their shirt proud... almost reduced to tears.#

Haha, its all good!

The girls in our block took on elvin once, four of them, in ther cayley freasher shirts...
...however, there where a little too smashed to notice who won!

Reply 18
yeh i was at a footy match between bill mo and jp and the bill mo fans all got red card and had to leave lol
Oh were u there?... That was a well funny night!
