I used to have terrible period pains. I remember quite a few times lying on the sofa feeling like I was going to throw up but I couldn't move to go to the bathroom because my stomach, back and thighs hurt so much. I just used to have to get by with painkillers (Feminax are good) and a hot water bottle. I suggested to my mum that maybe I should go on the pill but she didn't like the idea because I didn't have a boyfriend at the time and I think she thought maybe being on the pill would give me an excuse to go sleeping with random men. You know what mums are like...
Anyway when I went to uni I went to the doctors and asked to go on the pill. I said I wanted it for contraception but also to help with period pains. He did say to me that if I wanted the pill only for period pains that he could suggest alternatives to help deal with the pain but I really wanted to go on the pill.
I find since I've been on the pill I do still have period pains but they are no where near as bad. In the past they were very, very painful and lasted for about 2 days. Now it's more like a small uncomfortable ache but it's lasts longer. I much prefer this than having 2 days where I couldn't walk because of so much pain.