The Student Room Group
Reply 1
If you can get in - Opal Court
Reply 2
But isnt Opal Court and the other ones nearer the campus mainly reserved for older students, ie. 2nd and 3rd? I remember reading they do have spaces for 1st year students, but only a few, so if you want that, i'd recommend getting the application in as soon as possible.
Reply 3
But isnt Opal Court and the other ones nearer the campus mainly reserved for older students, ie. 2nd and 3rd? I remember reading they do have spaces for 1st year students, but only a few, so if you want that, i'd recommend getting the application in as soon as possible.

Indeed, thats why I said 'if you can get in' :p: realistically its probs better to look at the Elms Roads self catered, anyone know what thats like? I know Mary Gee is a bit of a dive but never saw inside the ones next to the Rat bar.
Nixon or Opal would be the two closest self-catered, I think... those and the rooms at Freeman's Common... but as has been said, it's mainly 2nd and 3rd years who get into those and you'd have to be quick about it (ie. posting off the accomodation stuff the day you get it - so this advice is probably coming too late!)

The Ratcliffe Rd lot (Clare/Elms/MG) are still a bit of a trek from the campus... 20min walk probably... and I never thought they were much to shout about, to be honest (granted, I've only seen inside a couple of rooms). The people living there seemed happy enough, though.
Reply 5
Nixon or Opal would be the two closest self-catered, I think... those and the rooms at Freeman's Common... but as has been said, it's mainly 2nd and 3rd years who get into those and you'd have to be quick about it (ie. posting off the accomodation stuff the day you get it - so this advice is probably coming too late!)

The Ratcliffe Rd lot (Clare/Elms/MG) are still a bit of a trek from the campus... 20min walk probably... and I never thought they were much to shout about, to be honest (granted, I've only seen inside a couple of rooms). The people living there seemed happy enough, though.

Oh yeah, i completely forgot about Freemans Common, no idea what it's like though. I know a few people in Mary Gee and they didnt really like it but the vast majority of people i know were in catered
Reply 6
Mary Gee is now closed down, as is the Rat Bar, with only Elms Road remaining on site. These were popular with first years when I was at Leicester (Mary Gee myself) and with a good social life.

Nixon and Freemans are close to campus and uni, although international and 2nd and 3rd years tend to live here.

Opal Court will be totally full now - very popular due to its location and newness.

There is a new site - New Hall? - that opens in September, which is partly self-catered and partly catered, located in Oadby. Seems pretty nice and good for the freshers' experience.
Reply 7
Why did they close the rat bar, it wasnt bad in there?
Reply 8
No it wasn't - I loved it myself! But the accommodation service is doing up all the Ratcliffe Road sites and it was decided the Rat Bar should go.
Shame really - was a good centre point for the Ratcliffe sites.
Reply 9
I have a question about accomodation. I sent of my acceptance form and accom form two days after receiving them (results day, so posted them on sat) and 2 weeks later, still have'nt heard anything about my accom. Heard from langs department, so I know they have received my forms. Should I phone up & ask about my accom? Anyone else not heard anything?
Reply 10
I have a question about accomodation. I sent of my acceptance form and accom form two days after receiving them (results day, so posted them on sat) and 2 weeks later, still have'nt heard anything about my accom. Heard from langs department, so I know they have received my forms. Should I phone up & ask about my accom? Anyone else not heard anything?

Me, sent off my forms the day I got them. Phone up accomodation and ask, apparantly they sent the reply for mine last wednesday (hoping it'll arrive this monday).
Reply 11
Mary Gee is now closed down, as is the Rat Bar, with only Elms Road remaining on site. These were popular with first years when I was at Leicester (Mary Gee myself) and with a good social life.

Mary Gee cant be closed down can it ... i've been appointed a room there? slightly confused ... i even went to see as i already live in leicester ...
Reply 12
Oh I'm so sorry - I have got my wires crossed!! Mary Gee isn't closing - don't panic! The other accommodation that used to be on the same site is closing (Elms Rd & Clare) For some reason I thought Elms was staying and Mary Gee going.

Sorry for any confusion. :-)
Reply 13
Thats cool ...
From what I've seen/heard of them, the Clare houses were a bit dingy and small... don't know about the others, though.