The Student Room Group
Reply 1
it is legal and you can get it from a good tobacconist.
Reply 2
as long as he doesn't send more than 3200, it's ok! :biggrin:
as long as he doesn't send more than 3200, it's ok! :biggrin:

what 3200, is that grams, packets, pouches, milligrams of nicotine?

Sorry just wanted to clarify this, do you have a source for this, all I could find was a Welsh MP who wants to make it legal to buy in the UK to reduce smoking (but says nothing about it currently being legal in UK to use, but just cant buy it here cus no market).
Reply 4
Try the Swedish brand called "Skruf". I'm not a "snusare" (the Swedish word for someone who takes snus) myself, but I have some friends who are, and they say "Skruf" is seriously strong. Whatever you buy, I suggest you start with "portionssnus" - the portions come in small packages. They're the most common and easiest to use.
Reply 5
what 3200, is that grams, packets, pouches, milligrams of nicotine?

Sorry just wanted to clarify this, do you have a source for this, all I could find was a Welsh MP who wants to make it legal to buy in the UK to reduce smoking (but says nothing about it currently being legal in UK to use, but just cant buy it here cus no market).

Ah, 32000 cigarettes.

The hmrc website will have the info no doubt.