The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Spud, get yourself to Broadgate's Website
Reply 2
I'm in Broadgate Park Spud, in Maples block apparently!
Reply 3
Maples - one of the nicer new ones! I think it's only about two or three years old with all ensuite bedrooms. Although, you will be in the 'Ghetto'! Haha, don't be scared, it's just the area the other side of the road from where the Broadgate Centre and some of the other blocks are!
Reply 4
bgp map now up!! Look in the gallery
Reply 5
anyone know what Beeches is like?
Reply 6
Wooo im gonna get shot :frown:!!!

Just looked on the map, seems like maples is one of the furthest from the university park campus, means im gonna have to drag myself outta bed even earlier for the inevitable 9am lectures (wednesday morning looks bad according to my attempt at working out the timetable thing anyways) How long does it take to get from BGP to centre of campus, or classics building roughly Regend? I see your a classics student too!
Reply 7
Portland building from maples = 10mins, maybe 15 if ur slow.
Reply 8
Although it looks far, Maples isn't actually that far from anything else in BGP. It depends how late you are in the morning, but an average walk to the classics building is about 15 mins (although coming back it's about 10 'cos it's downhill :wink:) and that's also right next to the SU (Portland) Building which has all our shops, services etc. Oh, and of course the bar :wink:
Reply 9
Wicked, yeah i strolled around the portland building and stuff on the classics open day i just didnt get a chance to go down to broadgate too - i had some catching up and drinking to do with a mate at trent which took priority at the time!

Glad to hear its a downhill stumble from the bar in the evenings then :biggrin:
Oooh yes, you'll have many a fun time stumbling home from the Ark at 2:30am on a Fri and Sat night. Although believe me it does NOT take 10 mins to get back in that state :wink:
Reply 11
Sounds good to me :biggrin: :cheers:
Reply 12
I applied for accommodation in Broadgate Park in June. Now that I've got my results and been accepted into Notts am I supposed to receive something from them regarding accommodation?
Reply 13
Have yopu recieved your payment schedule, terms and conditions, residence form and direct debit mandates and the like from them yet all in one package? I got this about a week before the results, but people have recieved them at various times?
Reply 14
I haven't received anything. On the portal it still says "Step 1 of 4, Apply online", but when I go to that page and login it says "You are not permitted to login because: You have already submitted an application."
Reply 15
Hmm, i would suggest ringing them. On portal mine changed to stage 2 within a few days of applying for the accomm, although it hasnt moved to stages 3 and 4 yet, even though i have recieved and accepted an offer but that was only last week. Ring up nottingham hospitality, and they will be able to check for you im sure :smile:
Reply 16
I'm in Mulberry's in broadgate. Ne1 kno what thats like?
Reply 17
Mulberrys is one of the newer blocks. Very close to the Shop, Bar and Laundry.
I'm in Mulberry's in broadgate. Ne1 kno what thats like?

MULBERRIES!!! You legend!! I was in Mulberries last year and it definately was the most rockin' and fun place to be! You guys have to keep up the fun and parties (Flat 4 Mulberries parties were legendary! I think at one we had something like 60 people in this one flat!). But yeah, it's definately the best block in Broadgate! You will also have a nice lawn in front of the block - good for chilling out in the summer :biggrin:
Reply 19
The Regend
You will also have a nice lawn in front of the block - good for chilling out in the summer :biggrin:

Just don't try anything vaguely enjoyable like football or BBQ's eh Reg.