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will they...?

i had a blood test this week and i just remembered i've smoked a little bit of weed this month.. this will probably show up in my blood right? will the doctor mention it when i get my results? :confused: because my mum will be there and i'm praying they don't sat anything :eek:
Reply 1
*say anything
Reply 2
Don't they have to specifically test for it?
Reply 3
unlucky smackhead, pressure's on
Reply 4
If they're not testing for it, it shouldn't come up, but then we don't know what they're testing for so it might. You don't have to have your mum in the room and if you don't want the doctor to tell your mum, he can't. Simple as that.
I really doubt there will still be any THC or whatever it is still in your blood after a few days.
If there were any traces, they should keep it confidential anyway.
Reply 7
The answer is a definate no.
Reply 8
Unless they're testing for drugs, then I can't imagine it would even be noticed.